Greetings Hoppers families!
Way to go Reidenbaugh!!!! We raised $8,556.23 for families affected by pediatric cancer. Thank you Four Diamonds for doing what you do!! Also, a huge thanks to all the Reidenbaugh families who attended our first Mini-THON event and donated for this awesome cause. We also had a great kick off to a super fun Mini-THON day!!!Students did such a good job raising money, their teachers lost their bet and had to sing Baby Shark this morning for them! Of course the kids helped them out a little bit!😉
If you missed any of our weekly emails with the newsletter, go to our website, for all past communications. We also have a calendar, sign up, and more. Please make sure you have our email as a trusted email in your mailbox. We updated this email a couple years ago so please check to make sure you have the correct email address. Last, but not least, don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or comments.
SPANISH IMMERSION: Registration is now open for Spanish Immersion. Please click here for the direct link to the Manheim township website with more information.
SLAC: This past week we had a presentation from the curriculum department. It was very informative and highly recommended reading it. Click here for the presentation.
The department is 4 years old
New this year the department now has a supervisor overseeing all curriculum for Math grades K-12 and ELA grades K-12 previously it did not include all grade levels
The department is working hard to ensure that the curriculum is consistent across all schools and grade levels
The department ensures that our curriculum meets or exceeds state standards
All standards are research based
If you have anything questions or would like to learn about a certain topic relating to the district through SLAC please email Leslee Forman at Dr. Felty is open to suggestions for the SLAC agenda and we also have a question and answer period at the end of each meeting.
4th GRADE CELEBRATION: Please don't forget to send in your child's most adorable baby picture to your room parent by April 12th. Click Here for the flyer. Please contact Hayley Thomas at hayleycaren@gmail,com with any questions.
PSSA COLOR DAYS: Let's get pumped up for PSSAs! All children are invited to wear a certain color in support of the PSSA.
Tuesday, April 16 - Be brave! Wear a RED shirt to school, color of bravery and confidence.
Wednesday, April 17 - Just chill! Wear a BLUE shirt to school. It's very calming.
Thursday, April 18 - Victory! Wear a GREEN shirt to school like in ancient Greece!
Tuesday, April 30 - Fresh start! Wear WHITE to show that you are ready to make a clean start. Wednesday, May 1 - A Bit of Sunshine! Wear a YELLOW shirt to school. Yellow activates your mind & puts a smile on your face. Thursday, May 2 - Wear BLACK and get ready to tackle science!
Friday, May 3 - Wear a PURPLE shirt. You have conquered the PSSAs like a king or queen!
FUN DAY: Our annual Fun Day event is coming up. Here is our schedule per class so you can write it down on your calendar to save the date. As we get closer we will send out a sign up sheet for our volunteers to come help their child(ren)'s class.
Friday, May 10
9:30-11:30am - MDS and IU13
1:15- 3:30pm - 2nd grade
Wednesday, May 15
9:15-11:30am - 1st grade
1:15 - 3:30pm - Kindergarten
Thursday, May 16
9:15-11:30am - 3rd grade
1:15- 3:30pm - 4th grade
SPRING FESTIVAL: We are looking for sponsors for the Spring Festival. Sponsors will be featured in the event program, will have professional signage with their sponsorship, and will have their logo displayed on the event banner. Please contact Beth Montague at or (610) 804-4949.for more information. Feel free to forward this post to family and friends who might be interested in being a sponsor at the largest Reidenbaugh event.
THINK SPRING: The PTO is looking for donations of bushes, perennials and bird seed for the outside sitting area. Please contact Rebecca Stanion at if interested.
COMING SOON: Summer opportunities for our students. Keep your eyes open for the next newsletter!
4/15-18 - PSSA ELA (3rd and 4th grades)
4/19 - No School
4/22 - No School
4/29 - 5/03 - PSSA Math and Science (3rd and 4th graders)
5/07- PTO Meeting
5/08 - Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
5/10 - 1st Grade Books for Breakfast
If the links seem not to be working, please try it again on a desktop computer. Thank you!
From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.
Students arriving after the 9:00AM bell must come to the school accompanied by a parent or guardian. The student must be signed in at the front office by the parent or guardian.
Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.
An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence.
If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at