Directory and Picture Day
Howdy Reidenbaugh Families!
It was great to see everybody at the Back to School Night. Did you visit your child's classroom? Lots of new information. By the way, I have heard wonderful things about the morning meetings! Also, the replacement of the Reidenbaugh Pledge with Reidenbaugh C.A.R.E.S. will be easier for all our students to follow. We are all looking forward to a wonderful year!
Our PTO secretary, Yanna Nachtigall, spoke very quickly regarding what our PTO is about. There's a lot we do with/for the community, the school and the students. You can check out some of our annual programs here. We have this website where you can come back to check on events and all the newsletters, as well as meeting minutes and gallery (more on that later throughout the year). We also have a facebook page with last minute notices. Our email is, in case you have a question or comment.
These "Elementary" years go by fast and our kiddos are changing even faster. Our PTO events are an great opportunity to be involved with your child's school and to be an example of collaboration within a community. Keep your eyes and ears open for these fun occasions. If you have something to say, to share, to ask or if you just want to meet other parents whose kids are at Reidenbaugh, come to our PTO meeting this Wednesday, September 12 at 7:00pm at Reidenbaugh Elementary.
DIRECTORY: Reidenbaugh Student Directory Registration is open! This is a great way to have contact information for the students in your child's classroom and grade. Our goal is to get this directory to you by the end of October. Only the families who sign up for the Reidenbaugh 2018-2019 Student Directory will receive a copy of the directory. To register in the student directory just go to our website and hover over the menu tab JOIN and click on Directory. If you have more than one child, you will need to enter them separately. Sorry, we are not that tech savvy.
X2F FALL 2018 SESSON: Xcel2Fitness Team Reidenbaugh is in search of coaches!!! X2F is teaching 3rd - 5th grade boys the importance of grit, goal-setting, team work & being a Dream Chaser through athletics, strength & conditioning & cardio. Join us at Registration starts next week. If interested in coaching contact Bill Caloviras at
PTO MEETING: This is our first PTO Meeting for this school year! We have several fun things planned for our students and we would love to hear your opinion. Come talk school with us this Wednesday, September 12 at 7:00pm. It is usually done by 8:00pm. We hope to see you there!

PICTURE DAY: This Thursday, September 13, is Picture Day! Look in your child's folder for the Lifetouch order form. You can fill it out online at If you prefer, you can return the form with the money and package selection. Let's see all those bright smiles!!
ROOM PARENT: If you were selected to be a room parent please note there is a change in the room parent meeting date. Should you be selected as a room parent the meeting that was previously scheduled for Friday, Sept 14 at 9:30am will now be Monday, Sept 17 at 9:30am in Room 104.
MINI-THON: Reidenbaugh will be hosting first introductory meeting for the Four Diamonds mini-THON is Tuesday, Sept. 18 at 7PM in Room 104. Our Four Diamonds liaison will be there to give an overview of what mini-THON IS and how it helps our community. We will have information on each committee so volunteers can sign-up for the area that interests them the most! For more information please contact Debbie Keys at or Rebecca Stanion at
PTO BOARD MEMBERS: We are in need of volunteers to help with the weekly eblast. This is the main channel of contact between Reidenbagh PTO and Reidenbaugh families. We are able to let you know exactly what's going on so you are kept in the loop of what's happening during the coming weeks at school. We try to answer your questions and assist you with dates and times for both school and PTO generated events. If you are willing to help, please contact Chris Drew at Thank you!
BINGO NIGHT: Our Back to School Bingo Night is this Thursday, September 20! Yeah!! It starts at 6:00pm and goes until 7:30pm. If you have never been to one of our Bingo Nights, you have to come to this one. It's great!! You will get to meet other parents, find out who your child's new friends are and get a chance to win some fun prizes. You should have received the flyer to purchase your bingo cards. Please contact Heatherann Paul (717) 725-7508 if you can help out for 30 minutes or if you have any questions.
09/12 - PTO Meeting
09/13 - Picture Day
09/17 - Room Parent meeting
09/20 - Bingo Night
09/28 - Spiritwear due
09/28 - Kids for Thon day
From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.
Students arriving after the 9:00AM bell must come to the school accompanied by a parent or guardian. The student must be signed in at the front office by the parent or guardian.
Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.
An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence.
If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at