Winter Staff Luncheon
Hello Hopper Families!
Thank you so much for everyone who attended our Winter Family Night! Wow, what a great turnout - we hope you enjoyed it. Lauren Abel, Lisa Marie Ahlgren Read and Amanda Smith did a phenomenal job organizing everything, thank you SO much for all of your time and effort! We also want to thank Lauren Scaccia for setting up a Spiritwear table. We appreciate ALL of the parent volunteers who came to help make it happen, and our staff readers! MTHS Key Club was a big help, as well.
If you didn’t have a chance to attend the book fair, please consider shopping online using our school fair link, which will earn rewards (free books!) for Reidenbaugh.
The Winter Staff Appreciation Luncheon is quickly approaching. This will be held on Wednesday, December 13th. We could still use some gift card donations. Please check out the signup genius and help out if you can. Thanks!
LAST CALL for a chairperson (or chairpersons) - We are hoping to hold our TALENT SHOW on February 9th. To date, we've been unable to find a volunteer to lead it. If you're interested in learning more about the role, please reach out to Kim Firestone at Unfortunately, if we do not have somebody volunteer by December 15th, we will not be able to have a talent show this year.
The countdown until Winter Break is on! There will be an EARLY DISMISSAL on Friday, December 22nd, and then NO SCHOOL until Tuesday, January 2nd.
LUNCH MENUS: Click here for the December menu.
If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer
12/13: Winter Teacher & Staff Luncheon
12/22: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm
12/25-1/1: Winter Break- No School
1/15: No School
1/23: Early Dismissal