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Winter Break

Hello Hopper Families!

Winter Break is here! Tomorrow we have Early Dismissal starting at 1:40 and there will be NO SCHOOL until TUESDAY, JANUARY 3rd. Please also mark your calendar that we will be having our first PTO meeting of the new year via ZOOM at 7pm on January 3rd. The link to join will be sent out that day.

See you next year!!!!!

TALENT SHOW: We're still accepting registrations for our Talent Show, but time is running out! More information can be found in the attached flyer. You can register your student(s) here, via this link:

Please reach out to Mrs. Caloviras ( or Miss Eyer ( if you have any questions or are interested in being a volunteer

INCLEMENT WEATHER: From the Front Office: As winter weather approaches, we need to be prepared for a Flexible Instruction Day (FID). During a typical week, from Tuesday-Friday, if a FID day is necessary, we would all be provided with advanced notice and students would be able to take their iPads home to prepare for the next day of learning. However, this is not the case for a FID day that may occur on a Monday after a weekend. In order to be as prepared as possible, we will be sending iPads home with students on Fridays, starting on December 16th. This will help students and families get into a familiar routine in the event that a FID day is scheduled for a Monday.

  1. Please ensure that the iPads remain in the student’s backpack over the weekend (and winter break). The iPads are ONLY for instructional use, not for leisure or games.

  2. Only use the iPad in the event that a FID day is scheduled.

  3. On Mondays, please make sure the iPad and charger are returned to school.

School closing/delays notifications will be sent via school messenger to your email. It will be posted on Manheim Township School District Facebook page and Twitter.

STAYING CONNECTED: To subscribe to our weekly newsletter, please check out our website, and scroll a tad down till you see subscribe now located on the right side of the screen, enter in your email address, press submit, and your all done! Don't forget to "like" our Facebook page Reidenbaugh PTO. Information is posted in a more timely manner. We can also be reached via email at

LUNCH MENUS: Did you know that you can sign up to have the lunch menus emailed to you each month? Check that out here:

Please click here for the December lunch menu.

If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer

If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.


12/23: Early dismissal at 1:40pm

12/26-12/31: No School- Winter Break

1/3: PTO Zoom meeting 7pm

1/5: Talent Show Deadline

1/9: Talent Show Parent Zoom Meeting 7pm

1/16: No School

1/23: Talent Show Submissions Due

1/25: Early Dismissal at 1:40pm



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