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Week 28

Hello Hopper Families!

What an AMAZING bunch of performances this past weekend of 101 Dalmatians! We are so proud of everyone involved! We hope you all had a wonderful experience! A huge round of applause to all involved :)

Reminder we have a long weekend on the horizon. Their is an Early Dismissal on Thursday, March 17th and NO SCHOOL on Friday March 18th and Monday March 21st (possible snow make up day).

REIDENBAUGH GIVES BACK: Attached are 2 flyers about ways we can help with the war in Ukraine. Please support if you can.

STAFF SNACKCART: Please keep donations coming! We hope to keep this snack cart going as long as we can since its such a hit with the teachers. Please see sign up below. Donations can be dropped off in the bin labeled "Staff Snack Cart Donations" at the entryway of the school.

GIRLS ON THE RUN: The next season starts March 28 and runs till May 24th and will meet Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:30-5:15. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

ART SHOW: It's quickly approaching! This will be held on Wednesday, March 16th, during school hours (not a parent event). All projects should be dropped off on Tuesday, March 15th in the auditorium, please make sure they are labeled. If your child plans on participating, please email Angie McFadden at by March 11th. Attached is the flyer for more info.


“The Greatest Books on Earth”

Come one, come all to our Reidenbaugh Scholastic Book Fair 2022. We are so excited to put up the “big top” and share all of Scholastic's best to thrill and entertain your children.

Some dates to keep in mind:

March 7-11 Coin Challenge! This is a super fun week of collecting coins (and dollars) and competing with classmates on daily challenges. The proceeds from the Coin Challenge will go to building up our classroom libraries. Please see the attached flyer that came home this week for more details. We will also be posting daily on the Reidenbaugh PTO Facebook page with our running totals and the activity for the next day.

March 7th A flyer will come home with the highlights of this year's fair. There will be a note attached on the front to tell you your child's homeroom shopping day and time. Also attached will be a note about an e-Wallet to allow for a cash-free trip for your children.

March 23-30 is our in-school book fair!

March 30 We will have an evening chance for families to visit our “big top,” purchase some circus snacks and peruse our book fair. Last names A-L shop between 6-7pm, and M-Z shop between 7-8pm.

How can you throw your hat in the ring? Please check out our sign up genius. We have all the teachers’ scheduled visit times, plus some snacks and a bunch of slots for help at our evening book fair.

See you at the “circus!”

LUNCH MENUS: Did you know that you can sign up to have the lunch menus emailed to you each month? Check that out here:

Attached is the MARCH lunch menul

STAYING CONNECTED: To subscribe, check out our website, and scroll a tad down till you see subscribe now, enter in your email address, press submit, and your all done! Don't forget to "like" our Facebook page Reidenbaugh PTO. We can also be reached via email at

If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.


3/16: Art Show (during school hours)

3/17: Early Dismissal at 1;40

3/18: No School

3/21: No School (snow make up day)

3/23-3/30: Book Fair Classroom shopping

3/30: Book Fair family shopping night 6:00pm-8:00pm



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