Hopperville Donations Needed
Hello Hopper Families!
Good Luck to all the kids participating in tonight's Talent Show!!
Reminder, NO SCHOOL TOMORROW, enjoy the long weekend!
Please spread the word......KINDERGARTEN REGISRATION is open:) Follow the link below.
SAVE THE DATE: We will be hosting a Valentine Bingo Night/Hopperville Booksale on Wednesday evening, 2/12.
What is Hopperville you ask?
During occasional PTO sponsored events, we will be selling gently used books donated by Reidenbaugh students for a super low price of $.50 per book!
When is the next Hopperville?
Hopperville will be during Bingo night on February 12th.
How can I donate?
This year we will only be accepting donations of chapter books during scheduled drop off times in a blue bin labeled Hopperville near the front office lobby.
Donation Drop Off Times:
Monday, February 3rd from 9:15-9:30am
Tuesday, February 4th from
Wednesday, February 5th from 9:15-9:30am
Thursday, February 6th from 9:15-9:30am
What kind of chapter books are needed?
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dog Man, The Bad Guys, Unicorn Diaries, Baby Sitter Club, Henry Heckelbeck, Flat Stanley, Judy Moody, Ivy and Bean, and Magic Treehouse are just a few fan favorites. If you have any of these that you are done reading, we would love to have them!
HELP WANTED! Are you interested in taking a more active role in school events?
Our annual Spring Festival is the biggest event of the year! We are looking for committee members to help with these specific tasks/areas:
Food Trucks
Raffle Ticket Sales & Raffle Setup
Cultural Tables
Games & Entertainment
Flyer, Marketing, Sponsorships
We are also looking for someone to coordinate our Project Fair portion of our Spring Family Night. If you're interested in helping coordinate any of these areas, please reach out to us via email (reidpto@gmail.com) or chat with one of the PTO Board members. :)
STAYING CONNECTED: Please join our Facebook group, Reidenbaugh PTO, where we share timely updates and reminders and often photos of our activities. If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.
MENUS: Did you know that Breakfast is free?!
Please click below for the FEBRUARY lunch menu.
If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer
1/30: Talent Show
1/31: No School
2/5: PTO Meeting 7pm via Zoom
2/12: Valentine Bingo/Hopperville
2/13: Early Dismissal
2/14: No School
2/17: No School (possible snow make up day)