Goodbye September!
Hello Hopper Families!
Can you believe we have been in school an entire month! Time sure does fly! I bet all the kiddios are ready for some time off. We will have our first early dismissal on Thursday, October 6th at 1:40. There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 7th and Monday, October 10th.
There will not be Hopperville in October. We hope to resume in November :)
FLASHLIGHT BINGO: This event has been SOLD OUT. Any forms that make their way to the office will be returned to their homeroom. Please staay tuned for future game night opportunities.
DIRECTORY: This was emailed out to all who signed up on Thursday. Please check your inbox and spam folder. It would be from Reidenbaugh PTO. If you did not receive it, please email and I will resend.
STAYING CONNECTED: To subscribe to our weekly newsletter, please check out our website, and scroll a tad down till you see subscribe now located on the right side of the screen, enter in your email address, press submit, and your all done! Don't forget to "like" our Facebook page Reidenbaugh PTO. Information is posted in a more timely manner. We can also be reached via email at
LUNCH MENUS: Did you know that you can sign up to have the lunch menus emailed to you each month? Check that out here:
Please click here for the October lunch menu.
If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer
If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.
10/6: Early Dismissal
10/7 & 10/10: No School
10/13: Bingo Night
10/27: Picture Retake
10/27: Fall Social