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First early dismissal at 1:40pm

Hello Hopper Families!

Friendly reminder we have our first EARLY DISSMAL of the school year. Dismissal will begin at 1:40pm today, October 5th. There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 6th and Monday, October 9th. Enjoy the long weekend!

5K/ WALK/RUN: A little over 2 weeks left for the PTO to reach our goal of $20,000. Everything you need to know about this event can be found here:

Has your child signed up to be a Fundraiser yet? It's easy! Simply click below, follow steps, and then you can share your child's link to anyone, anywhere!

Calling all alumni, students, teachers, neighbors, friends, aunts, uncles, anyone can register!

5K: Only $35 registration fee. 5K too long for little ones? We get it. That's why we also have a Costume Fun Run around the track a few times. Only a $15 registration fee

Both runs include a complimentary t-shirt if you sign up by 10/12.

Hate running? That's fine too! You can simply donate to show your support!

What do these funds go towards? Just to name a few.......

- Assemblies, like the Dialed Action Sports held last week

- Field Trips

- Spring / Fall Fest activities like bounce houses, carnival games, bands, face painters, etc.

- 4th grade celebrations

- Classroom Needs

Immediately following the 5K will be our annual FALL FEST! The 5K will begin at 10:30a.m. and the Fall Fest will be from 11:00-2:00. Bring the whole family and come hungry! We will have an wide variety of food, plus lots of fun activities: big kid inflatable and little kid inflatable! Check out our 9 Square in the Air inflatable as well! It's like volleyball, open to all kids & adults :) Also, don't forget to join our pumpkin contest! Rewards for first, second & third place. Costumes are welcomed & encouraged (no weapons please). We also encourage you to bring picnic blankets and chairs, as this is an extended event and we will have a limited number of tables and chairs. Attached is the flyer for more info.

Thank you to all who attended our PTO Meeting. Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 2nd, in the evening, virtually only via Zoom link. More info to follow.

STAYING CONNECTED: Please "like" us on our Facebook group, Reidenbaugh PTO, where we share timely updates and reminders and often photos of our activities. If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.We can also always be reached via email at

LUNCH MENUS: Click here for the October menu.

If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer


10/5: Early Dismissal at 1:40pm

10/6 & 10/9: No School

10/21: Fall Fest & 5K

10/26: Picture retake Day

11/2: PTO Meeting

11/7: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm

11/6-11/13: Thanksgiving Food Drive

11/16: MP 1 Report Cards Posted

11/20-11/21: Parent/Teacher Conferences

11/20-11/24: No School



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