Week 28
Hello Hopper Families!
On Thursday, March 12th, there will be an early dismissal at 1:40. Please plan accordingly. Also, schools will be closed on Friday, March 13th and Monday, March 16th. Enjoy the long weekend. Schools will be back in session on Tuesday, March 17th.
Looking ahead at RES...….
FAMILY FUN NIGHT: For all those who have turned in your order form, Pottery painting on Thursday, March 5th, will begin at 6:00pm. Drop in at anytime, but please arrive early enough to leave adequate time to complete your pottery by 7:30PM, which is when the night ends. Water and snacks will be available for purchase. Pieces will be fired and available for pick up in the cafeteria on March 25th during the book fair.
HOPPERVILLLE BOOKSALE: Due to the coin challenge this week, the next Hopperville Booksale be held on Wednesday, March 11th. Sorry for any confusion! Get books for as low as .25!
MARCH 25TH IS BOOK FAIR/OPEN HOUSE/ART SHOW/CULTURE NIGHT 6:00-8:00: The theme this year is "Jungle". Let's break it down so you know exactly what is going on......
CULTURE NIGHT: Come take a walk in the gym and celebrate and learn about the various countries we have represented here at RES! New this year- watch our Parade of Nations at the beginning and the end of the night. Let’s see beautiful cultural outfits from around the world worn by our children. If you are interested in showcasing your country or just helping with the Culture event, please contact Ada Emuwa at adankem1@yahoo.com or 617-869-9136. Take a look at this flyer and let's think of how you can represent your country in this fun cultural night.
ART SHOW: In the gym we will be displaying the talented artwork by our students. For those interested students, please have them create something for us to display (textiles, paintings, sculptures, legos, crafts, jewelry, photography, anything original. Make sure to label your artwork and please drop it off on March 24th & 25th. For more details, please click here for the flyer. Please contact Kelly Brady at 717-507-9940 or Nikki Penoza at 717-579-0859 if you can help.
OPEN HOUSE: Tour the hallways and stop by your child's classroom to see what they have been up too!
BOOK FAIR: Thanks to everyone participating in our coin challenge this week! Friday is the last day. Please bring in any coin or bill and you will get a chance to vote your favorite teacher to take a ride in the jungle!
From March 18-25 is our annual Book Fair. Students will get a chance to shop during school hours and also on March 25. Save the date for the GRAND EVENT, which will be held on Monday, March 23rd! Because of the importance of grandparents in a child's development, as loved mentors and role models, Scholastic Book Fair has reserved a day for these important people to celebrate the experience of reading with your student. On Monday, March 23rd, we invite grandparents, or another very important person in your child's life, to join us for coffee and cookies before school hours and special book fair time. This Grand Event starts promptly at 8:00am. Make sure those grand people have this on their calendars. Please contact Kim Topf at kjtopf@gmail.com with any questions or if you can help. Please click here for the flyer.
Finally, don't forget to pick up your Pottery Items on March 25th. They will be available in the cafeteria.
FIELD DAY: One of the most fun days of the year is coming! Field Day will be held on May 4th, 6th & 7th. Please check out the sign up genius and help if you can!
HERSHEY PARK TICKETS: Don't miss your chance to purchase HERSHEYPARK tickets at a discount! Orders are due by Wednesday, March 18th and tickets will be distributed the first week of May. Please click here for the flyer.
MTEF STEM CLUB: MTEF Tutoring Solutions is excited to announce that we are offering an after school Stem Club at all Township Schools & Landis Run Intermediate School. Cost is $99 per month and it will be held on Thursday, 3:45pm - 5:15 pm. Please click here for the flyer.
EDUCATION FORECAST BREAKFAST: The Education Forecast Breakfast exists to highlight exciting trends in education, connect with the business community, and act as a fundraiser for the Manheim Township Educational Foundation. Funds raised from this event are used for grants to enhance academic, athletic and artistic opportunities for all Manheim Township students. The MTEF Fundraising committee has put together a special offer for MT parents wishing to attend our Education Forecast Breakfast on April 16, 7:00am-9:30am at the Lancaster Country Club. Get a group of 8 parents together and you can purchase a table together and save $80! To purchase tickets or for more information, please visit this website: http://mtef.net/events/121-foundation-event/57-2020-education-forecast-breakfast
NEXT STOP.....KINDERGARTEN: Please, spread the word to any neighbors you know who will be new to Reidenbaugh! They won't want to miss this! Join us for this special event for you and your incoming Kindergarten student, on Wednesday, May 27th, 6:00pm-7:30pm, at RES cafeteria. This is to help you prepare your child for a successful transition to Kindergarten. Please RSVP to Noelle Duscha at duschano@mtwp.net by May 20th. Attached here is the flyer for more information.
If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer, or check out our website, www.reidpto.com and go to the Forms section.
If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.
Did you know that you can sign up to have the lunch menus emailed to you each month? Check that out here:
Please click here for the March lunch menu.
Don't forget to "like" our Facebook page Reidenbaugh PTO, and check out our website, www.reidpto.com. We can also be reached via email at reidpto@gmail.com.
3/5: Family Fun Night
3/11: Hopperville Booksale
3/12: Early Dismissal at 1:40pm
3/13: No School
3/16: No School (snow make up day)
3/18-3/25: Book Fair
3/23: Grandparent Book Fair Event
3/25: Open House/Art Show/Book Fair/Culture Night
3/31: Early Dismissal at 1:40pm