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Week 11!

Hello Hopper Families!

Just an update on the Color Dash......After expenses, we raised $7,232!!! Also, the fall Box Tops collection raised $494!!! Keep clipping and scanning those receipts!

Looking ahead at RES...…

KIDS FOR A CAUSE: Will be on Friday, November 8th. Any student who brings in a donation may participate in Crazy Hair Day! The money collected will be used to help support our THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE. By now you should have received a paper with your student's donation item for our Food Drive. Please send it in to the school between November 11th and 14th. Each classroom will make a basket to donate to families in the community. We are in need of turkey vouchers as well. If you have more than one or not planning on using the one you got, we would love to add it to our baskets! If you have any questions, send an email to

POINSETTA SALE: Don't forget to place your order by Monday, November 11th. Please click here for the form. You can place your order form and check in an envelope marked Poinsettia Sale and send it to school with your child. Orders are due by Monday, November 11th. Please make checks payable to Reidenbaugh Elementary PTO. Pick-up is Tuesday, December 17th, in the cafeteria. Please email Amy at if you have any questions.

HOLIDAY SHOP: A committee has worked hard to find some great items for everyone in the family. Students will preview the shop on Wednesday, November 20th, to see what they would like to purchase for their family. They will come back with their class either on Thursday, November 21st or Friday, November 22nd, to purchase the items. We tried hard to keep each item under $5. This is a fun event to let the kids to use their imagination and shop for their family. This event will require several volunteers each day that week to set up and help the kids shop. Sign up Genius will be sent next week. Thanks for you help and Happy Shopping!

If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer, or please email and I can send them over to you.

If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.

Did you know that you can sign up to have the lunch menus emailed to you each month? Check that out here:

Please click here for the November lunch menu.

Don't forget to "like" our Facebook page Reidenbaugh PTO, and check out our website, We can also be reached via email at


11/8- Kids for a cause collection Day

11/11-11/14- Thanksgiving Food Drive

11/20- Holiday Shop Preview

11/21-11/22- Holiday Shop- Shopping

11/25- No School- Parent Conferences

11/26- No School- Parent Conferences

11/27-11/29- No School- Thanksgiving Break


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