Dr. Seuss Birthday Week Was Crazy Fun!!!
Hello Hopper Families!

The countdown to spring is on! Let's keep our fingers crossed that all that white stuff is behind us and there is nothing but blue skies and warm weather in our future! We had yet another great week here at Reidenbaugh. We enjoyed seeing our students with crazy socks & hats, matching twins, and even Kindergarten got wacky for Wednesday! All the classrooms did a great job of decorating their doors! The highlight of the week was definitely when the students got to see the school play, Annie Jr! Good luck to all the students and parents involved this weekend! Break a Leg!!!!
MATH 24: Attention all 3rd and 4th grade Math 24 participants: We WILL be having practice on Monday, March 11th @ 8:00 AM. I apologize for any confusion with the next practice date since we were not able to meet for practice on March 4th due to the 2-hour delay. Please be sure to come to practice on Monday, March 11th where I will be giving more information about the last dates of practice and the District Math 24 competition for the 4th graders. See you on Monday, March 11th @ 8:00 AM! :) -- Sincerely, Mrs. Wingert
COIN CHALLENGE: Dig up your coins to help build our classroom libraries! Here is a breakdown of the week!
Monday, March 11th: Bring in pennies and come in with crazy hair!
Tuesday, March 12th: Bring in your nickels and guess how many dinosaurs in a jar, the winner gets a poster!
Wednesday, March 13th: The grade that brings in the most dimes wins a Dino-Mite snack!
Thursday, March 14th: Bring in your quarters for a chance to guess how many dinosaur teeth are in a jar and the winner will receive a $5.00 scholastic gift certificate.
Friday, March 15th: Bring in any coin or bill! We will also vote for one of our teachers to become a dinosaur!
MINI-THON: There will be a mini-THON meeting on Monday, March 11 at 7PM. We will have a brief overview in Mrs. Keys' classroom (Room 128), then break into groups to prepare for April 5th. We invite ALL parents and any third and fourth grade students who want to help the night of the event. Please note that we received MANY responses from interested third and fourth grade students in September, but we know that plans change. All are invited to help. If you cannot make the meeting on March 11, look for an upcoming sign-up genius to volunteer at various activities. The April 5th mini-THON is going to be a blast. We hope all of our families can come to the event and have fun celebrating the money we raise to help Four Diamonds in their quest to financially aid families facing an agonizing crisis and to help scientists find a cure for pediatric cancer!
4th GRADE CELEBRATION: The second meeting for our 4th Grade celebration will be this Thursday, March 14th from 6:00-7:00, at room 104. Click here for the donation form due by Monday, 3/11. Please remember to include your child's tshirt size. Please contact Jaime Costanzo at jaime71778@comcast.net with or Kelly Kline at Kelly@kellykline.us with any questions.
HERSHEYPARK TICKETS: Get your discounted tickets to Hershey Park! The order form is due by Friday, March 15th! Tickets will be distributed the first week of May. Click here for the order form.
GRAND EVENT: This year we have a Grand Event for your child!! Because of the importance of grandparents in a child's development, as loved mentors and role models, Scholastic Book Fair has reserved a day for these important people to celebrate the experience of reading with your student. On Monday, March 25, we invite grandparents, or another very important person in your child's life, to join us for coffee and cookie before school hours and special book fair time. This Grand Event starts promptly at 8:00am. Make sure those grand people have this on their calendars. Please check for flyers going home soon.
BOOK FAIR: From March 20-27 is our annual Book Fair. We are getting ready for this event and we need volunteers!! This is such a fun event, you won't want to miss an opportunity to help our students. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Kim Topf at kjtopf@gmail.com.
ART & CULTURE NIGHT: As you know, we are doing an Art & Culture Night in March. We are seeking someone to showcase the U.S.A. If you are interested, or have any ideas or are interested in showcasing your country or just helping with the Culture event, please contact Ada Emuwa at adankem1@yahoo.com or 617-869-9136. We are also looking for help with setting up the Art Show. Please consider volunteering for one of the open slots by clicking here or contact Kelly Brady directly at jdbkldb@gmail.com.
EDUCATION FORECAST BREAKFAST: The Education Forecast Breakfast exists to highlight exciting trends in education, connect with the business community, and act as a fundraiser for the Manheim Township Educational Foundation. Funds raised from this event are used for grants to enhance academic, athletic and artistic opportunities for all Manheim Township students. The MTEF Fundraising committee has put together a special offer for MT parents wishing to attend our Education Forecast Breakfast on April 11 at the Lancaster Country Club. Get a group of 8 parents together and you can purchase a table together and save $80! Click here for the flyer.
SPRING FESTIVAL: We are looking for sponsors for the Spring Festival. Sponsors will be featured in the event program, will have professional signage with their sponsorship, and will have their logo displayed on the event banner. Please contact Beth Montague at e_c_green@yahoo.com or (610) 804-4949.for more information. Feel free to forward this post to family and friends who might be interested in being a sponsor at the largest Reidenbaugh event.
BOX TOPS: The next collection will be on May 24th. Please check the expiration dates. Did you know that for each Box Top you clip and send in, our school earns money? YES, it's that easy!! Box Tops are found on many products that our students love, such as General Mills cereal boxes, Gogurts, and Pillsbury products to name a few. They are even found on cleaning products and paper products! For a complete listing of products, visit the following website: https://www.boxtops4education.com/earn/participating-products. Click here is a flyer for you to look at.
PTO: Want to be more involved in your child's school and also meet a great group of people? Then the PTO is for you! We are looking for people to chair some of our events next year. There is an array of things you can help with. Let's talk and see which one is better suited for you, what activity you like the best. Please contact Rebecca Stanion at rebeccas1222@yahoo.com for more information.
THINK SPRING: The PTO is looking for donations of bushes, perennials and bird seed for the outside sitting area. Please contact Rebecca Stanion at rebeccas1222@yahoo.com if interested.
03/22 - 3rd and 4th grade Books for Breakfast
3/27 - Open House, Art Show & Culture Night
3/28 - Early Dismissal
3/29- Snow Make Up Day
04/02 - PTO Meeting
04/05 - Mini THON party
04/05 - 2nd Grade Books for Breakfast
From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.
Students arriving after the 9:00AM bell must come to the school accompanied by a parent or guardian. The student must be signed in at the front office by the parent or guardian.
Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.
An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence.
If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at reidpto@gmail.com.