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Buckle Up, Busy Week Ahead!!

Hello Reidenbaugh families!

Thank you for sending in all the items for our annual Food Drive.

We should be able to reach 25 families this year!! PTO Meeting went very well. Thank you to everyone who came and shared their ideas. The future looks bright!! I don't believe we say this enough, we can't do all we do for our kiddos and for the families in our community without your help, your time, your contribution. Don't be shy about reaching out to us if you can help out one day a week, or if you are more flexible a certain week or even if you have any ideas you want to shared.

While on this topic, let me say you all, parents and educators, are doing a wonderful job with the kids. I hope you notice how polite and well mannered these students are. The parents who come to school to help out can notice this behavior first hand. Please continue supporting your child by reinforcing the positive, allowing them to try new things and by just being present in their lives. At this age we are shaping their future, it might seem like a little thing to you (my daughter didn't make the first nor second team, but the third) but it's still a great accomplishment to them (she still has huge smile when she is playing her sport). Let's look beyond what we, adults, think of as failure and simply support the fact they they are trying. These students are amazing children!

YEARBOOK COVER CONTEST: 4th Graders, don't forget to send in those Yearbook Covers! We are so excited the see what you came up with. Entries are due by Tuesday, November 13. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Drew at

FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT: If you order your tickets, remember it's this Wednesday, November 14 at 6:30pm at Penn Cinema. See you there!

Preview day: November 14th

Shopping days: November 15th & 16th

Any questions, reach out to Adelina Panosso, Jen Boyer & Amy del Castillo through email at

POINSETTIA SALE: The flyer went home last week. You can place your order and check in an envelop market Poinsettia Sale and send it to school with your child. Orders are due by Wednesday, November 14. Please make checks payable to Reidenbaugh Elementary PTO. Pick-up is Wednesday, December 18, in the cafeteria. Remember, we will deliver the pay it forward to local nursing homes in your behalf. Please email Amy del Castillo at if you have any questions.

EXTRAORDINARY GIVE: It's a whole day of giving! There are many local organizations supported on this one day. Our own Manheim Township Educational Foundation is one of the beneficiaries. The MTEF funds new and innovative programs such as iPads, STEAM Labs, Voice for the Voiceless and many more throughout Manheim Township Schools. The Extraordinary Give day is November 16. You can donate on this link.

MINI-THON: The MTMS mini-THON committee is sponsoring a district-wide PAJAMA DAY to raise funds for their Four Diamonds mini-THON. Because we are planning a Pajama Day of our own, they have graciously informed us that we may keep any money raised here at Reidenbaugh! So let's have a school-wide comfy, cozy day on Friday, November 16. Your child may come to school in pajamas if he or she brings a donation of any amount. And, if your child is one of the few who doesn't like to wear pj's to school, he or she is still welcome to donate For The Kids!!

SCHOLASTIC WINTER BOOK FAIR: One night only Scholastic Winter Wonderland Book Fair is coming to Reidenbaugh! On Tuesday, December 4 at the Reidenbaugh Cafeteria from 6:00 to 7:30pm. We will have cookies and hot and cold chocolate available for purchase. You will love it!

YEARBOOK: The Yearbook order forms will be distributed at the beginning of the week. You don't want to miss this! A book for your child to remember 2018-19 school year with many candid photos of students and staff. Order here now!! Reidenbaugh ID code is 13484019. You can order with cash, check or online. Deadline is December 09. As we did last year, we have a "Pay It Forward" program to help some families who are going through hard times. We will give those kids a Reidenbaugh Yearbook so they also can remember what a great year they had and what a wonderful school this is. If you can help, please send your donation with your Yearbook purchase money and a note on the envelope. You can also make the donation online when placing your order. Thank you!!

TEACHER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON: As we get closer to the holidays it is time to show the Reidenbaugh teachers and staff how much we appreciate all they do for us. The Winter Teacher Luncheon will take place on Wednesday, December 12. Here is the Sign Up for the volunteers contribute with time and/or an item (food and gift card). Please take a look and let us know how you will contribute to this Appreciation Luncheon. I you have any questions, please contact Jill Lubin at (717) 517-2811 or

NOVEMBER LUNCH MENU: Please click here.


11/19 - No School - Parent-Teacher conference

11/20 - No School - Parent-Teacher conference

11/21-23 - No School - Thanksgiving Break

12/04 - PTO Meeting

12/04 - Scholastic Winter Book Fair

12/05 - Hopperville Bookstore

12/16 - Winter Teacher Luncheon

12/21 - Early Dismissal

From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.

Students arriving after the 9:00AM bell must come to the school accompanied by a parent or guardian. The student must be signed in at the front office by the parent or guardian.

Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.

An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence.

If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at


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