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Happy Mother's Day!

Hello RES Families!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! Here is something that talks about this amazing, exhausting, and beautiful job of being a mother.

“You can quit a job. I can’t quit being a mother. I’m a mother forever. Mothers are never off the clock, mothers are never on vacation. Being a mother redefines us, reinvents us, destroys and rebuilds us. Being a mother brings us face-to-face with ourselves as children, with our mothers as human beings, with our darkest fears of who we really are. Being a mother requires us to get it together or risk messing up another person forever."

~ Shonda Rhimes, TV producer and writer

Books for Breakfast for the 1st grade was lovely! Thank you to all the parents who came to have breakfast with their students and read books. Here are some photos from the breakfast.

Our Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week was spectacular! Thank you Rebecca Stanion, Gretchen Appleby, Kim Firestone and Meghan Keller for organizing everything. Thank you to all the volunteers and all the many donations!! We truly have the most generous families in this community. Teachers definitely understood how much we appreciate them and how grateful we are for all the things they do for our children. Here is a post from one of our wonderful teachers:

"To our amazing, supportive, spoiling, encouraging (and I could go on!!) PTO - Words cannot fully express how grateful I am for how fabulous you are. It may just seem like a normal week to you, but all the special ways you have showed your appreciation this week towards the teachers has been amazing. And let’s face it, not packing lunch today was THE BEST! In all seriousness, thanks for all you do to support us as teachers and our great students. You are truly amazing. ❤️📚"

~ Mrs. Wingert


BOX TOPS: We are coming up on the deadline to submit Box Tops! The collection deadline is Friday, May 25. Please send in your Box Tops sheet with your child’s teacher’s name in the space provided at the top of the sheet. If you still have more clipped Box Tops, please place them in a Ziploc bag of no more than 50 per bag. Label each bag with you teacher's name, grade and amount of Box Tops. Remember to check expiration dates. We DO NOT receive credit for expired Box Tops. You can send in sheets that are not full so please do not hold on to these just in case some have June 1, 2018 expiration dates. If you have any questions, you can contact Christine Mathers at (717) 519-8861 or at

SLAC REPRESENTATIVE: We are in need of three (3) SLAC Representatives for next school year! If you have no idea what it is and what it encompass, please read this description:

SLAC= Superintendent's Lay Advisory Council. Per bylaws Reidenbaugh needs 3 representatives. Commitment is 6 meetings per year. Second Monday of every other month (Sept, Nov, Jan, Mar, May, July) usually at 7pm. Superintendent or her designee presents on important initiatives or information concerning the district (tech roll out, middle school project, curriculum cycle, etc). SLAC rep is to bring this information back to the school via PTO meeting or email to the president. SLAC reps have time at the end of each meeting to raise concerns brought from building PTO directly to superintendent. Could we please have some volunteers? This can be done by dads too! If you can help us, send an email to our PTO President, Rebecca Stanion at

RED, WHITE AND BLUE STREAKS 5K AND FUN RUN: Our first annual MTEF Red, White and Blue Streaks 5K and Fun Run is on Memorial Day, May 28, 2018 at the Manheim Township High School Stadium. There will be a timed 5K and a fun run with activities for children including crafts and face painting. Prizes will be awarded for the Most Patriotic Runner, top male and female runners, and top 3 male and female runners in several categoies. We will have food trucks as well as cheerleaders there. Get your tickets now before the price goes up on May 13! Register online here. Last Chance to Register Before the Price Goes Up!

DISTRICT ART SHOW: Please click here for the flyer for the MT Art Department District Show. Come check out what our Manheim Township students are painting, sculpting, creating and more. It's Saturday, May 19, from 3pm to 7pm at MT High School. Refreshments will be served. Thanks for your support. See you at the show!

4TH GRADE CELEBRATION: Attention 4th grader parents, the end of school celebration is now on Thursday, June 7 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. This is a drop off event and we have chaperones at the school to watch your student.



05/22 - Kindergarten Story time

05/25 - Box Tops Collection Day

05/25 - Red, White and Blue Day

05/25 - Early dismissal

05/28 - No School

06/01 - Spring Festival

06/04 - Kids for a Cause (NEW DATE)

06/11 - Last Day of School (12:00 dismissal)

If the links seem not to be working, please try it again on a desktop computer. Thank you!

From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.

Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.

An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence

If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at


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