Paws for Books
Greetings Reidenbaugh Families!
This beautiful weekend reflects our feelings with the Yearbook "Pay If Forward" response from our Reidenbaugh Families. We had over 50 donations ranging from $1 to $45. You are beyond this world!! THANK YOU for helping us help our kids and our school. We see you, we know you, you are so appreciated!!
THANK YOU for digging in your cushions, emptying your coin jars, and even visiting your local banks! ALL for BOOKS was an amazing success. Totals will be out soon, but we definitely out raised last year.
Sometimes you just need a note to make your day. This is one of those and we just had to share:
I just wanted to say you all did a wonderful job with Madagascar! I so enjoyed it!
Watching the kiddos always brings a feeling of pride, even though they aren't mine!
Thank you for keeping the library so neat.
I will thank the kids for being respectful too!
Once again, Bravo!
Thank You,
Kate Winters
Library Assistant
Reidenbaugh Library
Now, open your calendars, agendas, planners because Spring arrives this week and we have tons of fun things going on!!
BOOKS FOR BREAKFAST: This Thursday, March 22, we have breakfast for all 3rd and 4th graders who complete the Books for Breakfast challenge. It's from 8:15 to 8:45am at the Reidenbaugh Cafeteria.

BOOK FAIR: Our PAWS FOR BOOKS Scholastic sale starts this week!! It will run from Thursday, March 22 to Wednesday, March 28. Dates for class visits will go go home this week (although you can pop on over to the link below, check out the dates for your child and click on a time or two). We still have several slots open for volunteers. We would love your help! Please click on this link and sign up for a couple hours only. NEW THIS YEAR: NEW digital payment option for students: eWallet! Now you can send your child to shop the fair cash-free! Visit our Book Fair Homepage to learn more and to create an account:
ART SHOW: The Art Show form went home this past week. On Wednesday, March 28, our gym will become a gallery with our student's art work. Any and all kinds of arts are welcome!! Bring your masterpiece to Room 104 before or after school on March 26 & 27. Don't forget the label to attach to your child's art work. You also received a paw for your child to tell the world how special he/she is!! That must be turned in by Friday,March 23. Any questions, please contact Melissa Derderian at or text/call (717) 381-1865.
YEARBOOK: If you took any pictures of the students, classroom parties and activities that you would like to see in the yearbook, please send it to or leave it in a flash drive at the office. The flash drive will get back to you. Teachers! You always have those wonderful "moments of learning" photos. If you haven't done so, we would appreciate if you could select 20 or so pictures and pass them on to the yearbook parent responsible for your grade. Any questions, please contact Chris Drew at or text/call (717) 406-8400.
SUMMER SWIM TEAM: Overlook Swim Team is getting ready for the Summer!! Registration night is almost here. Check out this flyer and feel free to visit their website and ask questions.
PTO BOARD MEMBERS: We are still looking for a few PTO chairpersons for the 2018-19 school year!! Yes, you can do it!! These are the open events at the moment: Art Show, Holiday Shop, SLAC, Spring Festival, 4th Grade Celebration and Clubs. We are also looking for volunteers to shadow eblast as next year will be the last year for this parent. We want to get you involved in your child's school! If you are curious of where you can help, contact Rebecca Stanion at She can let you know exactly what would be involved!
MTSC TRYOUTS: It is that time of year as we open registration for the Manheim Township's Elite Soccer program. Manheim Township Soccer Club has all the information you need right here. Let's get that ball rolling!!
FIELD DAY: Save the date!! Field Day is coming!! It will be on the very first days of May 2018. We will soon post the days for each grade as well as the Sign Up for our much needed volunteers. Keep your eyes open.
HERSHEY PARK TICKETS: If you purchased Hershey Park tickets, distribution will begin the first week of May 2018. If you have any questions or concerns you may contact the Reidenbaugh Office.
BOX TOPS: Our last Box Tops collection sheet has been distributed. Let's get all those Box Tops in before the end of the school year! Have the kiddos ask families members to help with collection. It's a great for grandparents to interact with the kids:-) Here is a copy of the Box Tops sheet.
MEETING MINUTES: If you haven't read it yet, we would like to remind you to check the last PTO Meeting Minutes at our website, There are some important information such as the new Elementary K-4 schedule for next year, moving to a six day cycle.
03/21- 28- Book Fair
03/22 - Books for Breakfast (grades 3rd and 4th)
03/28 - Open House
03/28 - Art Show
03/29 - Early Dismissal
03/30 - No School
04/02 - No School
04/05 - 2nd Grade Books for Breakfast
04/05 - Movie Night
If the links seem not to be working, please try it again on a desktop computer. Thank you!
From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.
Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.
An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence
If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at