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Madagascar Jr. was fantastic!!

Greetings Hopper Families!

What an amazing week we just had!! Read Across Reidenbaugh was fun. Did your child tell you about the beautifully decorated doors? They look great! I think my favorite day was the crazy hats on Thursday. So much fun!

Madagascar Jr. was a hit! "You've got to move it, move it..." Our kids had such a great time putting this show together, they were brilliant! Thank you to everyone who dedicated so much of their time make this a success! Jen Finkelstein, you rock! To all the volunteers who stayed after school day after day, thank you! The teachers who helped out during the whole process starting in the summer, you are soooo appreciated! You all put on a great show! Thank you so much!!!

PTO MEETING: This month's PTO Meeting will take place this Tuesday, March 6 at 7:00pm. Come meet your PTO board and find out all that is being done to make this elementary school experience special for your kiddos and the whole family.

HOPPERVILLE BOOKSTORE: This Wednesday, March 7, is Hopperville Bookstore day! Your children will be able to shop for new books from 8:45am to 9:00am in the Reidenbaugh cafeteria. All items cost .25-.50 cents. Children may purchase items with money or a donation coupon. Remember that for every 4 items donated, your child earns 1 coupon for 1 FREE paperback book.

EARLY DISMISSAL: Please notice we will have early dismissal on Thursday, March 8. School will be dismissed at 1:40pm.

NO SCHOOL: On Friday, March 9, there's no school. Classes will resume the normal hours on Monday, March 12.

4th GRADE CELEBRATION: If you have a 4th grader please send back your donation for the celebration party as soon as possible.

PTO BOARD MEMBERS: We are looking for PTO chairpersons/board member for the 2018-19 school year!! Yes, you can do it!! These are the open events at the moment:

Art Show, Book Fair, Directory, Fall Social, Holiday Shop, Ice Cream Social, Poinsettia Sales, SLAC, Spirit Wear, Spring Festival and School Play (or Talent Show). We want to get you involved in your child's school! If you are curious of where you can help, contact Rebecca Stanion at She can let you know exactly what would be involved! Help us help your family.

KINDERGARTEN PARENT NIGHT: The parents and guardians of incoming kindergartners are invited to an information session on March 12, at 6:30 pm at Manheim Township High School, Convocation Hall 115 Blue Streak Boulevard, Lancaster, PA 17601. Here is the flyer with the complete information. If you know a family new to the area or with preschool age kids, please pass this information along to them.



03/21- 28- Book Fair

03/22 - Books for Breakfast (grades 3rd and 4th)

03/28 - Open House

03/28 - Art Show

03/29 - Early Dismissal

If the links seem not to be working, please try it again on a desktop computer. Thank you!

From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.

Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.

An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence

If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at


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