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Election Week

Dear Hopper Families,

Can you believe it's November already? Before you know holidays will be here. In order for you and your family enjoy the holidays, we have a variety of things going on to help you prepare for the holidays, such as Poinsettias Sale and Holiday Shop:D As life gets in the way when we are having fun, we also need to remind you to fall back one hour as daylight saving time ended this weekend (there! I just reminded you) and to vote this week.

While many of us are living the "ups" of our busy lives, some of us are struggling with our "downs", which are part of life, but not so enjoyable. Sometimes it's hard to turn the page, but that's how we get to start a new chapter, full of opportunities and possibilities! As a parent/teacher, we are all about children. So find a picture of YOU as a child. Look at it and think of all you want for THAT beautiful child. As a teacher/parent, what would you say to THAT child? So now, raise your head high and go get it!! Have a fantastic month of November!

FOOD DRIVE: Every year we come together for our Annual Food Drive. Each classroom puts together a basket, which are then given to Reidenbaugh families in need over the Thanksgiving holiday. You should have received a flyer stating your classroom contribution. In addition to food, Giant gift cards and cash are needed to buy a frozen turkey for each family and any remaining food. Please send the item(s) into class during the week of November 6-10. Many thanks!!

MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD: The election on Tuesday, November 7, will determine who will fill six of the nine seats on the Manheim Township School Board. The election of a majority of the Board’s members will have profound implications for our children and our community for years to come!! Candidates have differing points of view about the direction the school district should take. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with both the qualifications and ideologies of each candidate before casting your votes. Here you will find the flyer sent home this week with the links to resources where you can learn more about the candidates.

PTO MEETING: Our monthly PTO meeting is this Tuesday, November 7 at 7:00pm. Come join us for one hour to know what we are planning for our Reidenbaugh kids throughout the year. We are eager to hear from you!! Do you have a question? Do you need help with a school related task? Are you curious to know who we are and what we do? Come share your comments, ideas, opinion with us!

EARLY DISMISSAL: On Wednesday, November 8, we have early dismissal. Reidenbaugh school hours will end at 1:40pm. Make sure you have made arrangements. Thank you!

FAMILY FUN NIGHT: Don't forget this Wednesday, November 8 is Family Fun Night at Overlook Roller Skating from 6-8pm! No tickets are being sent home with students. You will check in upon arrival. Just a reminder: cost of skate rentals will be $3-$4 depending on type of rental. See you there!!

KIDS FOR A CAUSE: This Friday, November 10, is Kids for a Cause day. Send in your loose changes!! The donations that are contributed will go towards the Thanksgiving Food Baskets and the American Diabetes Association. Kids that donate are able to participate in 🎩 Crazy Hat Day 👒!!

CAITLIN SMILES: Caitlin Smiles give out a goodie bags to children when they are admitted to a hospital. Playdough is put in every bag they distribute. Their goal this year is to collect 30,000 containers of playdough. We, as a school, want to help!! Please consider purchasing new containers of playdough and have your child drop it off in their classroom by November 14. Thank you for helping us help them!!

POINSETTIA SALE: Reidenbaugh PTO is helping you get ready for the holidays with beautiful Red, White or Burgundy poinsettias! Decorate your home, or office or give it as a gift to a friend, a nursing home or a neighbor. Orders are due by Tuesday, November 14. Just place the order form and money or check (made out to Reidenbaugh Elementary PTO) in an envelope marked "Poinsettia Sale" and send it in with your child. Pick up will the on Wednesday, December 6. For any questions, please contact Amy Del Castillo at

HOLIDAY SHOP: This is a great opportunity for kids to do their own holiday shopping for family members and friends, while learning about money. The price of the gifts range from $0.25 to $10.00. The Holiday Shop preview will be on Wednesday, November 15. Students will be allowed to shop at specific times selected by their teacher on Thursday, November 16 and Friday, November 17, as well as in the mornings from 8:45 to 9:00am. We are looking for volunteers during our shopping hours. Look for our sign-up genius link on the website or our Facebook page. Any questions? Contact Amy Barrall at or Missy Oswald at



11/14 Poinsettia order form due

11/15 Holiday Shop - Preview Day

11/16-17 Holiday Shop - Shopping Day

11/20 - 24 No school - Thanksgiving Break

11/20-21 Parent Teacher Conferences

From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.

Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.

An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence

If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at


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