November News
Hello Hopper Families!
Friendly reminder that all donations for our annual Thanksgiving food drive are due by Friday, November 10th. All donations benefit Reidenbaugh families in need this holiday season. If you aren't going to use your turkey vouchers at the grocery stores, we will gladly take them off your hands and put them to good use. We appreciate your generosity!
Fall Break is just around the corner! There will be no school on Monday, November 20th- Friday, November 24th. Teacher conferences are being held on Monday, 11/20 & Tuesday, 11/21. You should have received an email with instructions. Please reach out to your teacher if you didn't receive anything. Enjoy the break with your family!
SAVE THE DATE: On Wednesday, December 6th, we will be hosting a Winter Family Fun Night. We will have a book fair and other fun activities! More information coming soon!
Attached are the minutes from our PTO Meeting which was held last week.
LUNCH MENUS: Click here for the November menu.
If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer
11/6-11/13: Thanksgiving Food Drive
11/16: MP 1 Report Cards Posted
11/20-11/21: Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/20-11/24: No School
12/6: Winter Family Night
12/13: Winter Teacher & Staff Luncheon
12/22: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm
12/25-1/1: Winter Break- No School