March News
Hello Hopper Families!
Friendly reminder that there is an Early Dismissal tomorrow, March 16th at 1:40pm and No School on Friday, March 17th and Monday, March 20th! Enjoy the long weekend!
The students are doing an amazing job with the coin challenge! Only a few days left!
On Thursday, March 16 bring in all your QUARTERS and the 3 classes that raise the most money will be treated to an airplane snack.
On Tuesday, March 21 bring in any DOLLARS & COINS and dress in your favorite pjs and bring your favorite stuffy along for the day.
BOOK FAIR HELP NEEDED: Starting Wednesday, March 22nd, students will have the opportunity to shop with their homerooms. There are still some slots left on the signup genius, both for time and in-kind donations. Please consider signing up if you can!
FAMILY NIGHT: On Wednesday, March 29th, please join us for our annual Book Fair and Art Show, with activities for the whole family! Event runs from 6:00pm-8:00pm, at RES.
Attached are flyers with more information about the Book Fair and also how your child can participate in the Art Show. Cash, Venmo and credit cards are accepted at the Book Fair.
YEARBOOK ordering is open! Order online today! school code: 14677923
If ordering online for more than one student, hit next and choose to add another order before checkout.
Please consider donating a pay-it-forward yearbook. Your consideration is greatly appreciated!
Attached is the flyer.
Bsby Photo reminder: Please submit your child's baby photo (preferably under the age of one) for use at the end of the year party. We will be having a "Guess that Baby" contest! Please email your photo, along with the name of your child to Jenn Martzall, at
Please see the below message from Kerry Maki, who is creating a special slide show for our 4th Graders that will be shown at the celebration.
Send me pictures of your 4th grader for the 4th grade celebration slideshow.
What I Need: Pictures of Kindergarten through 4th grade - In School/School events only
(no pictures can be used from family vacations, play dates, birthday parties,
extra curricular activities)
Where: Emailed to Kerry Maki -
Subject line: 4th grader - Childs name
When: Send them by March 31 or NOW before the end of the year chaos begins
Why: So you can be sure your child is included
Extra info: I have a list of all the current 4th graders and will do my best to make sure each
one is included in this. Slideshow will be viewed at the after school 4th grade
celebration and possibly in the classroom at the end of the year. This will not be
posted anywhere online.
STAYING CONNECTED: To subscribe to our weekly newsletter, please check out our website, and scroll a tad down till you see subscribe now located on the right side of the screen, enter in your email address, press submit, and your all done! Don't forget to "like" our Facebook page Reidenbaugh PTO. Information is posted in a more timely manner. We can also be reached via email at
Please click here for the MARCH menu:
If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer
If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.
3/16: Early Dismissal at 1:40pm
3/17: No School
3/20: No School (possible snow make up day)
3/21: Book Fair Preview
3/22-3/29: Book Fair Classroom Shopping
3/29: Book Fair 6-8pm