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Family Fun Night

Hello Hopper Families!

Thank you to all who attended our Family Fun Night! We hope you had as much fun as we did! Special Thank You to all the volunteers and chairs! We look forward to more of these nights in the future!

Friendly reminder that there is an Early Dismissal on Thursday, February 16th at 1:40pm. There is also NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 17th and Monday, February 20th. Enjoy the long weekend!

Our next PTO MEETING will be held on Tuesday, March 7th. We will be voting to fill our upcoming board vacancies- Treasurer and Secretary.

SAVE THE DATES: Talent show performances will be held in the auditorium on Friday, February 24th and Saturday, February 25th. Spring Book Fair and Art Show will be held on Wednesday, March 29th from 6:00-8:00pm.

STAYING CONNECTED: To subscribe to our weekly newsletter, please check out our website, and scroll a tad down till you see subscribe now located on the right side of the screen, enter in your email address, press submit, and your all done! Don't forget to "like" our Facebook page Reidenbaugh PTO. Information is posted in a more timely manner. We can also be reached via email at


Please click here for the February lunch menu.

If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer

If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.


2/15: Talent Show Rehearsal

2/16: Early Dismissal at 1;40pm

2/17: No School

2/20: Early Dismissal at 1:40pm

2/23 & 2/24: Talent Show Performances


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