Teacher Appreciation Week!!
Greetings Hoppers families!

This will be such an exciting week, we can't wait for it to start!! It's Teachers Appreciation Week! Yes! Let's shower this school with love and appreciation. We all were busy with PSSAs and other things but we still need your help to show this great group of teachers how much they mean to us and to our kids. Please read below.
This is it, one month to go and the school year will be over. PSSAs are done and we want to give a shout out to all the kiddos out there who either took the PSSA tests or simply showed their support. We had a very colorful school this week. Reidenbaugh kids, you rock!!
TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK: First, thank you SO much to all who have generously donated towards Teacher Appreciation Week! This week means a lot to them and we couldn’t do it without your support. We also have quite a few needs remaining, especially funds to purchase remaining luncheon supplies for Wednesday and the coffee & donuts for Friday. So, if you have not yet taken a look at the sign-up genius we could really use your support to make this week a success. If it’s easier, monetary contributions can be sent via PayPal or Venmo. Please contact Kim Firestone for more information on that, at kimberly.ann.firestone@gmail.com. Last, if you have already signed up to donate an item please take note of the due dates and send those items in accordingly!
Thank you again for your support, we can’t wait to celebrate our amazing teachers and staff this week! Please click here for the Sign-Up Genius and feel free to contact Kim Firestone at if you have any questions or concerns.
PTO MEETING: Our last PTO meeting of the year is this Tuesday, May 7, at 7:00pm. Please come to see how much we have accomplished this year, what we provided to the school, staff and students. Come say goodbye to those PTO members who will be moving to Landis Run Intermediate next year. Come have dinner with us. Yes, food will be served!
HOPPERVILLE BOOKSTORE: Just a quick note about the change of date for our Hopperville Bookstore. This month, our bookstore will take place on Wednesday, May 22.
1st GRADE BOOKS FOR BREAKFAST: This event will take place this Friday, May 10, from 8:00 to 8:45am. Please remember it is only for 1st graders and we only allow 1 adult per child. Come read with your child and enjoying some breakfast on us.
FIELD DAY: Our annual Field Day event is right around the corner!! This year we are organizing it differently. Each volunteer will stay with a group/station for an hour. If you haven't done it yet, take a look here for the sign up for this super fun day.
SPRING FESTIVAL T-SHIRTS: Orders will be sent in this Monday, May 6. If you haven't sent your order in yet, please send it with your child tomorrow! For any questions regarding this order, please contact Kim Topf at kjtopf@gmail.com.
SPRING FESTIVAL: We are looking for sponsors for the Spring Festival. Sponsors will be featured in the event program, will have professional signage with their sponsorship, and will have their logo displayed on the event banner. Please contact Beth Montague at e_c_green@yahoo.com or (610) 804-4949.for more information. Feel free to forward this post to family and friends who might be interested in being a sponsor at the largest Reidenbaugh event.
LOOKING FOR A SUMMER MATH TUTOR? Tom Saurer, a former teacher of Reidenbaugh Elementary and current 5th Grade Teacher at Landis Run Intermediate, will be tutoring math this summer (Grades 3-6)! He has been teaching and tutoring in Manheim Township School District for 21 years. For more information please contact him directly at: saurerto@mtwp.net
5/17- Kids for a Cause collection Day
5/22-Hopperville Bookstore
5/24- Red, White and Blue Day
5/24- Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm
5/27- No School
5/31- Spring Festival
6/4- 4th Grade Celebration
6/5- Last day of school
If the links seem not to be working, please try it again on a desktop computer. Thank you!
From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.
Students arriving after the 9:00AM bell must come to the school accompanied by a parent or guardian. The student must be signed in at the front office by the parent or guardian.
Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.
An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence.
If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at reidpto@gmail.com.