Hello Hoppers!
We hope you enjoyed the Cultural Spring Festival! As our biggest event of the year, it’s always a big team effort to make it happen! Special thanks to Katie Caprino, Nakia Eckert, Jamie Lloyd, and our PTO board members for chipping in. We also want to recognize the Morales and Abdelshahid families for taking the time to create awesome cultural tables for us to enjoy and learn from. Last but not least, our Room Parents knocked it out of the park with the grade level prize baskets this year - WOW! Thank you all so much!
HERSHEYPARK TICKETS will be coming home by Monday! Please check your child's folder.
If you have any outgrown SPIRIT WEAR we’ll happily collect it! There is a marked bin just inside the front doors at Reidenbaugh for your convenience.
HOME STRETCH: There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, May 27th. The LAST DAY of school will be Friday, June 7th, will an NOON DISMISSAL! Lunch will not be served.
Click below for the May menu.
If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer
5/27: No School
6/7: LAST DAY!!!!!