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We need your help with Winter Clubs!

One day of the week, for 5 weeks only, our students get to participate in a fun, exciting club for 1 hour. This is a great opportunity to have your child learn something different, or learn correctly something he/she is already interested in.

For this to happen we need parents facilitators!

Can you read a book on polar bears to a group of 6 year old kids? Or teach them a game such as Connect 4 or Chinese Checkers? How about making paper airplanes, decorating the wings and measuring which one got closest to the window? Can you watch a group of girls playing with hula-hoops? Or maybe teach kids how to say the basic -- such as hi and bye -- in Spanish...

If you are willing to facilitate a club, either by yourself or with a partner, we are grateful for your help! Talk to us, we can help you help our children.

Some of the ideas and clubs offered in previous years include: Ceramics, Music, Arts & Crafts, Gardening, Dance, Astronomy, Dodge Ball, Insects, Science, Origami, Running, Paper Airplanes, Yoga, Community Service, Sewing, Culture Club, Board Games, Checkers or Chess; Foreign Language, Book Club, Creative Writing, Invention Club, LEGO, Coding, Odyssey of the Mind, Public Speaking, Sign Language … THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS… If you are interested, please email by Dec 9.

Please note: All club volunteers must have their background check clearances registered with the Manheim Township School District.

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