Happy Halloween
Scary greetings RES families!
What a fantastic Fall Festival we had! I must confess this is one of my favorite PTO events. I simply adore seeing all those kids dressed up. This year we had a salt shaker! How creative is that?!
Did you see the Storm Trooper with the AT-ST from the Galactic Empire? So cool! We had many scary costumes as well as some adorable ones!! A huge shout out goes to Jaime Costanzo, who organized the event even adjusting to last minute changes. Thank you to all donations and volunteers! This event wouldn't have happened without your help!!

We hope your kids enjoyed Red Ribbon week as much as we did, with the neon colors, superhero day, and spirit wear. Make sure you touch the subject of saying NO to drugs with your kiddos. As for Box Tops, keep on collecting them. We will have another collection day in the winter. We are now looking forward to another great Fall week with Halloween in the middle. Let's see what we have coming up.
BOO TO THE FLU: Flu season has started and we have here tips to keep your family healthy and a guideline for bringing your child to school after a cold or a flu. Click here for the flyer. Let's stay healthy and say Boo to the Flu this Fall.
LIBRARY: People, please send in those plastic bags! These bags are given to the students to protect our library books when they carry it home. We need an brand of the Slider Jumbo Storage Bags 2.5 Gallon. Just send a box to school with your child or drop it off at the office. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Winters at winterka@mtwp.net. Thank you!!
DIRECTORY: As promised, the directory is ready and just needs to be copied for each family who registered. Can we get any parents to volunteer to come in tomorrow, Monday at 10am? If you are available for only 45 minutes, please send an email to reidpto@gmail.com ASAP. Thank you!!
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT: If you didn't sign up for movie night, The Grinch, on Nov. 14, 2018, you still have time!! We are extending the deadline to turn forms in until Friday, Nov. 2, 2018. Any questions email Roseanne Myers at rtmrunner@gmail.com,
FOOD DRIVE: By now you should have received a paper with your student's donation item for our Food Drive. Please send it in to the school between November 5 and 9. Each classroom will make a basket to donate to families in the community. We are in need of turkey vouchers as well. If you have more than one or not planning on using the one you got, we would love to add it to our baskets! If you have any questions, send an email to reidpto@gmail.com.
HOLIDAY SHOP: Holiday shop prepping is coming along nicely. If you are new to the school, our Holiday Shop is a school fundraiser while kids can buy gifts for their loved ones. All proceeds go directly back to school PTO. Under the tab GET INVOLVED on the Reid PTO website, we have our Programs. There you will find more information how the Holiday Shop works, Or you can just click here.
Preview day: November 14th
Shopping days: November 15th & 16th
Any questions, reach out to Adelina Panosso, Jen Boyer & Amy del Castillo through email at
MINI-THON: If you are interested to see what you can help with, we are looking for a helping hand here and there. Please contact Debbie Keys at keyde@mtwp.net or Rebecca Stanion at rebeccas1222@yahoo.com.
YEARBOOK PHOTOS: One of the best Yearbook photos are taken outdoors during recess. Are there any parents who could come in during Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade recess hours to take photos of those students? If your child is in one of those grades and you would like to come in to take some pictures for our yearbook, please contact Chris Drew at christiedrew@gmail.com or 717-406-8400.
11/05-09 - Thanksgiving Food Drive
11/06 - PTO Meeting
11/07 - Early Dismissal
11/09 - Kids for a Cause
11/14 - Holiday Shop Preview
11/14 - Family Movie Night
11/15-16 - Holiday Shop - Shopping days
From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.
Students arriving after the 9:00AM bell must come to the school accompanied by a parent or guardian. The student must be signed in at the front office by the parent or guardian.
Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.
An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence.
If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at reidpto@gmail.com.