October is here
Greetings Hopper Families!
I don't know about you but I'm so happy to have a couple of sunny days! Rain is good for the soil and all, but we have had more than enough. It was great to send the kids to play outside and run around this weekend.
We had a blast on Friday with Kids for a Thon and Crazy Hat Day. Thank you to all you sent in change for the the Kids for a Thon cause. This past week all kids who completed the Summer bingo got a treat. A total of 92 students in grades 1 thorugh 4 completed the Summer Reading Challenge this year! Mitch and Gina from Lickety Split in New Holland brought the truck to the playground for our Reidenbaugh Readers!!! Check out these photos!
SPIRIT WEAR: Monday, October 1stis the last day we will be accepting Spiritwear orders. You can order on-line at www.btsportswear.net (click Spiritwear banner in the middle to find our school) or send in your order form. All orders will be delivered the week of 10/22.
DIRECTORY: Are you planning a birthday party for your child? Or maybe just a play date on a no school day? Trust me, you want to be a part of this directory! This is the last week of sign up for our student directory!! Click here to sign up. You will only receive a copy of the directory if you register for it. If you are not sure if you already signed up, do it again. Easier for us to get rid of the duplicate than for you not to receive your copy. Your child will bring the hard copy of the directory home before the end of the month.
PTO MEETING: Our October meeting will take place this Tuesday, October 2, at 7:00pm. Come get to know other parents, teachers, get a feeling for what we are doing behind the curtains and even how you can get involved. We are always open to new ideas. Come share your opinion with us!
STEM CLUB: Starting this Thursday, October 4, from 3:45 to 5:15pm, Sylvan Learning Center is offering a Stem Club at Reidenbaugh Elementary School. It's a great fun-filled hour of after school highly interactive challes tfor our kiddos. The cost is $99 per month. for more information please contact Elizabeth at elizabeth@sylvanpa.com or call (717)293-0300.
LIBRARY: We are again in need of storage bags for our Library books! These bags are given to the students to protect our library books when they carry it home. We need an brand of the Slider Jumbo Storage Bags 2.5 Gallon. Just send a box to school with your child or drop it off at the office. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Winters at winterka@mtwp.net. Thank you!!
e-BLAST: We are looking for helpers for the next year's e-blast. We have found our next communication person but we would like one or two other parents to provide support. A couple hours per month is all we need of you. I will show you how easy it is. Remember, this is the main channel of contact between Reidenbagh PTO and Reidenbaugh families. If you are willing to help, please contact me, Chris Drew,at christiedrew@gmail.com. Thank you!
EDUCATIONAL FUNDATION: GETTING YOUR NEXT GRANT COULD BE A PIECE OF CAKE! Thinking about a great idea that would benefit Manheim Township students? You might be eligible to apply for a grant from the Foundation to make your idea a reality! Simply check out our Grant Guidelines on MTEF.net. Fall Grant Cycle Deadline - October 10, 2018 On September, 26, 2018 the Manheim Township Educational Foundation (MTEF) delivered cakes to each of our schools and the district office in honor of our 25th Birthday! Wegmans graciously donated 10 birthday cakes so we could celebrate this special occasion with the Manheim Township School District faculty and staff! It is their creative ideas, passion, and motivation that allow MTEF to fulfill its mission by awarding grants to our educators!
BACKPACKS FOR HOPE: As you all know, many parts of North Carolina were badly hurt by Hurricane Florence. We did a drive last year for Texas and this year we will join hands to help the schools in North Carolina. Manheim Township School District is collecting as many school supplies as possible for the next couple of weeks. A bin in located in the Reidenbaugh lobby. You should have received this flyer with the information as well as suggested donation items. For more information, please contact Richard Chavis at richard.chavis97@gmail.com.
FALL FESTIVAL: Did you get the Fall Festival flyer sent home last wee? We are so excited!! It will be on October 26 from 6:00 to 7:30pm. There will be many the fun things such as face painting, bounce house, music, costume parade, etc. The costume parade will be at 6:30PM. Remember, no weapons of any kind allowed. Also, we will have Caruso's Italian Restaurant offering pizza, salad and sandwiches in addition to the usual popcorn, cotton candy and snow cones. If you have any questions, please contact Jaime Costanzo at jaime71778@comcast.net.
NO SCHOOL: This Friday, October 5 and Monday, October 8, there will be no school. Reidenbaugh will resume its usual schedule on Tuesday, October 9.
OCTOBER LUNCH MENU: It seems the way the school menus were done has changed. At this moment there's no monthly menu planned out. We put together this weeks menu here to help you out. Please check online at SchoolCafe.com for more information.
10/08 - No School
10/12-13 - Play Auditions
10/24 - Box Tops Collection day
10/26 - Fall Festival
From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.
Students arriving after the 9:00AM bell must come to the school accompanied by a parent or guardian. The student must be signed in at the front office by the parent or guardian.
Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.
An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence.
If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at reidpto@gmail.com.