Spring is (finally) here!!
Greetings RES Families!
We can say it doesn't feel like February 74th anymore, Spring is here! Yeah! PSSAs are going very well!! We finished Math PSSA test last week and will have the Science PSSA tests this week for 4th graders only. We love to see everyone cheering up our students by wearing the PSSA colors. Keep it going Reidenbaugh!! Just two more days!
Summer is right around the corner and we have a few camps/clinics for you to consider. Please see the note from Manheim Township Athletics below. As we get closer to the end of the school year we have Field Day and the Appreciation Luncheon coming. Please sign up to help!!
As the weather starts to warm up, the PTO has been planning an outdoor sitting area for our students and staff. The perfect spot is right outside the car riders doors. Work has started! We will keep you updated as we clear the space, take out the grass, put the mulch and the furniture.
PSSA: Thank you to the whole school for participating in the PSSA Color Days. It's fun to see everyone dressed in one color in support to our students. This week we have the following color days:
Tuesday, April 24 - Wear a YELLOW shirt to school.
Wednesday, April 25 - Wear PURPLE shirt to school.
LANDIS RUN MEETING: The 2018/2019 school year is starting in less than 6 months. For the 4th graders families, it's a big deal because of the change of school. We will have an information meeting on Thursday, April 26, 2018, 9:15 AM, at Landis Run.Come meet the Landis Run PTO and learn more about your kid's new school, events, committees, and all the PTO does for our students. Click here to see attached flyer.
FIELD DAY: Volunteers, your child's class needs you for 20 minutes, can you help out? One of the children's favorite day in the school year is Field Day! The kids get to play with their classmate and have fun. Our gym teachers and all students are counting on volunteers to make sure this event runs smoothly. Find your kid's grade and class below.
Tuesday, May 1
4th Grade
Wednesday, May 2
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
Friday, May 4
1st Grade
Rain dates: same make up dates - only on the following Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays: May 8, 9, 11 and 15, 16, 18
ATHLETICS: The Manheim Township Athletic Department has numerous athletic programs that are offered for grades K-8. They will post these and all new events on their Athletics page and FB & Twitter.
Rising 7th & 8th grade boys basketball open gyms
Swim Clinic
Girls Basketball Summer Camp grades 3 - 8
Blue Streaks Football Camp grades 2 - 7
Wrestling open gyms grades 7-12
APPRECIATION LUNCHEON: As you know we have started our Our Teacher Appreciation Week planning. Here is a Sign Up Genius link with things you can bring to school to help us show these wonderful people in our faculty and staff that we are aware of their hard work and dedication to our kiddos and families! We still have a few slots open. Please click here to take a look and sign up for one item.
PTO MEETING: Our last PTO meeting of the year is on Tuesday, the 1st of May. We will have food for you so you don't have to worry about your dinner. Come wrap up the year with us. We truly hope you and your family were taken care of at Reidenbaugh. If you have any comments of the events that took place this year, please let us know. If you don't, we can only assume everything was to your liking. Again, please let us know if you really liked or didn't like something! We would love to know your opinion.
05/01 - PTO Meeting
05/01, 02, 04 - Field Day
05/09 - Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
05/10 - 1st grade Books for Breakfast
05/18 - Kids for a Cause
05/25 - Red, White and Blue Day
05/25 - Early dismissal
If the links seem not to be working, please try it again on a desktop computer. Thank you!
From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.
Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.
An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence
If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at reidpto@gmail.com.