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Happy Valentines Week

Happy Valentines RES Families!

We adore this week because love is in the air all around us!! The kids are going to have a chance to write kind letters to one another and put them in the mailboxes around the school. Also, there are lots of classroom parties going on. So much fun!! While in that mood, thank you to all who came to the PTO meeting. It was fun in the new room (library, just this once) and we had a lot of laughter!!

This past week we had the 100th school day and our Kindergartners had a blast! We also had Chill with a Cop for our 3rd graders. As for all the other grades, we had new iPads delivered!! It's amazing the dedication that Reidenbaugh staff and the Manheim Township Educational Foundation have to our school. Thank you!!

A couple of updates for the record: Barnes & Noble night was amazing and the total amount of sales provided Reidenbaugh with $800 in gift cards for books for our school. Our teachers are walking on clouds with the new books for our kids to read. Also, with the flu being on the news constantly this winter, we are lucky to have only three confirmed cases in our school. We would like to keep it that way! If your child has the flu symptoms, please please keep him/er home. Sending them back too early will only spread it to more children and staff. Please be considerate. Let's remind our little ones that they should wash their hands before going to school, before lunch time, when using the restroom and when they arrive back at home. One more thing, Mrs. Lester has been organizing many talks with the students. These have been fantastic opportunities for our kids to grow. Two of the approached subjects were bullying and disabilities. We have had great response to these sessions and our kids are learning that bullying is not okay in any circumstances and that people with disabilities are still people, just like us. Parents, be proud of your kids, they are truly wonderful!!

SPRING CLUBS: It is time to start planning for Spring Clubs and we need you! Do you have a passion that you would like to share? You don’t have any ideas for a club? No worries we have plenty that we can suggest! Maybe you would like to help but don’t have time to be in charge, we need helpers too! Clubs are meant to be an easy and fun experience for everyone. We would love to have you join us! Spring Club Dates Monday Mornings 8:00am-8:45am on the following dates: March 5, 12, 19 & 26. If you are interested please send and email to by February 14, 2017.

EARLY DISMISSAL: We will have early dismissal on Thursday, February 15. Students will be dismissed at 1:40pm. Please plan accordingly.

NO SCHOOL: Reidenbaugh will be closed on Friday, February 16. We will resume our normal school hours on Monday February 19.

SHOE DRIVE: Reidenbaugh families, you are awesome! This is your last chance! You can still bring in those GENTLY used shoes until February 19. All kids of shoes and all sizes are welcome!!

BOX TOPS: Box Tops sheets have been distributed for the month of February. Collection date is February 21. Did yo know you can turn in the Box Tops sheet incomplete? Yes you can!! Just send it to add to your child's classroom count.

ISAAC'S FUNDRAISER DAY: On Thursday, February 22, take a break from cooking and purchase your lunch and dinner at Isaac's Restaurant. Make sure you tell them you are from Reidenbaugh and 25% of the checks come back to us.! It's good for take out or dine in. Tell your colleagues at work, other friends and family members. All they have to do is say they are there for the Reidenbaugh fundraiser. If you are ordering online, please use the coupon FUND. To help us earn even MORE, add an Isaac's Gift Card to your check and 15% of the gift card sale will be added to the fundraiser.

PTO BOARD MEMBERS: We are looking for PTO chairpersons/board member for the 2018-19 school year!! Before you shake your head, just hear me out: We have a list of events that need somebody to see it through. It might seem overwhelming but it isn't. We have done this before and we can help you! At this point, we don't know whom to help. Please come forth and shadow one of our event chair person. Follow your instincts. What would you like to do? How many hours can you give? All at once or just a little at a time? Talk to us!! We want to get you involved in your child's school! Help us help your family.

YEARBOOK: The Yearbook order forms have been distributed. If you haven't received it yet, it will come home this week. You can order with cash, check or online. Deadline is February 28. This year we started a "Pay It Forward" program to help some families who are going through hard times. We will give those kids a Reidenbaugh Yearbook so they also can remember what a great year they had and what a wonderful school this is. If you can help, please send your donation with your Yearbook purchase money. Make a note on the outside of the envelope. Thank you!!



02/19 - Snow Make up day

02/21 - Box Tops Collection

02/22 - Isaac's Fundraiser

02/23 - Kids for a Cause

02/28 - Yearbook order due

03/01 - School Play

03/05 - Books for Breakfast

From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.

Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.

An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence

If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at


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