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Week 40

Hello Hopper Families!

Can we please give a GIANT round of applause to everyone involved in the Spring Festival, especially to Jamie Orr Lloyd, Rachel McIntyre and Stephanie Arbelaez. That was not an easy undertaking but you ladies and all the volunteers knocked it out of the park!!!! We all had a blast and thank you for your efforts!

Single digits till the last day of school! Early dismissal will be on Friday, May 27th and there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, May 30th. The last day of school is on Friday, June 3rd, dismissal is at NOON.

RED, WHITE and Bllue Day is scheduled for tomorrow! Typically this is a day where fourth graders and teachers play a game of kickball while the whole school cheers them on outside. We are, however, looking at some not so great weather which would make us push the game for fourth graders to next week. We will be making the call tomorrow morning once we have a good idea of what the weather will be like. If we do in fact have the game, we encourage everyone to wear red ,white, and blue and bring a towel or blanket to sit on. The PTO is treating each student to a red, white, and blue popsicle! Parents of fourth graders ONLY may come to watch. Bring a chair and meet the kids out back by the baseball field at 9:30.

MANHEIM TOWNSHIP YOUTH FOOTBALL AND CHEER registration is open to students in grades 1-9. Please visit for more info.

The Cub Scouts Pack 102 will be hosting a few adventures this summer. Please view the flyer for more information.

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5/27: Red, White & Blue Day & early dismissal

5/30: No School

6/1: 4th Grade Celebration

6/3: LAST DAY :)



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