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Week 37

Hello Hopper Families!

Looking for camps this summer? MT will have a girls basektball camp and also a youth soccer camp. Attached are the flyers for more info! Also, mark your calendar if you have an incoming Kindergarten student- Storytime will be held on Thursday, May 19th from 11:30-12:00 at RES. We can't wait to meet all the new students!

TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK: Please don't forget to bring any items you signed up for to school tomorrow morning. We are also in need of a few more gift cards, please donate if you can.

FIELD DAY is coming! Here are the dates for each grade. Thank you to all who signed up to help. Please note that you may not come to watch. Only volunteers are permitted to attend.

Monday, May 16- 4th Grade, IU 13 and MDS (afternoon)

Tuesday, May 17- 2nd and 3rd grade. AS & Life Skills

Wednesday, May 18- Kindergarten and 1st Grade

*Envirothon for 3rd and 4th grade students

Thursday, May 19- Field make up day

SPRING FESTIVAL & CULTURAL NIGHT: This will be held Friday, May 20th. We are looking for volunteers to have a table at the event and share their cultural. Please send an email to if interested. Also Please review both signup geniuses for donations and volunteers for the night of the festival. We are looking forward to a fun night with Reidenbaugh families!

GIVE AND GET TICKETS: We are beginning our early bird Cultural Spring Festival basket ticket sales! For the next week, through Monday May 9th, we will be offering a 2 for 1 deal! For every donation made, you will receive double the tickets towards the basket drawing!

Please see the link below to order online. A paper order form will also be coming home with your child this week. Either way works! Please contact Jamie Lloyd at or 608-212-4032 for any questions or feel free to ask them here as well.

RED, WHITE AND BLUE DAY: One of the best days of the year is coming! This will be held on Friday, May 27th. There will be a kickball game in the morning, Teachers vs 4th grade students!!Fourth grade parents only are allowed to join outside at the field. More info to come!

STAFF SNACKCART: Please keep donations coming! We hope to keep this snack cart going as long as we can since its such a hit with the teachers. Please see sign up below. Donations can be dropped off in the bin labeled "Staff Snack Cart Donations" at the entryway of the school.

LUNCH MENUS: Attached is the MAY lunch menu

STAYING CONNECTED: To subscribe, check out our website, and scroll a tad down till you see subscribe now, enter in your email address, press submit, and your all done! Don't forget to "like" our Facebook page Reidenbaugh PTO. We can also be reached via email at

If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.


5/10: Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

5/20: Spring Festival

5/27: Red, White & Blue Day

5/30: No School

6/1: 4th Grade Celebration

6/3: LAST DAY :)



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