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Bingo Night

Hello Hopper Families!

Attached are the minutes from the past SLAC meeting, held last week. What is SLAC, you ask? SLAC stands for Superintendent's Lay Advisory Council and is a district-level organization. Its goal is to facilitate communication directly between the superintendent and the parents and guardians of the student body. SLAC members are appointed by school principals to represent the school's PTO/Parent Organization.

BINGO NIGHT will be held on Thursday, September 28th at RES. We will have 2 sessions this year so that more families can join. Bonus- you will also have the opportunity to shop our Hopperville Booksale! Books are as low as .25!!!!!! Please see the attached flyer for more information. Advanced purchase is required, you cannot buy bingo tickets at the door. This event tends to sell quickly!

Have you heard? Our annual Fall Fest will be combined with our first ever 5K Walk/Run and Costume Fun Run on SATURDAY, October 21st. The 5K will begin at 10:30a.m. and the Fall Fest will be open to all from 11:00-2:00. There are several ways you can support us, as shown in the attached flyers. Please help in whatever way(s) you are able, we need your support!

****We are seeking a DJ for our Fall Fest. If anyone is one, or knows one, please email us ****

DIRECTORY: The link is now open. Each school year, a student directory is compiled courtesy of the PTO board and directory coordinator for the families of students attending our school. Due to families moving in and out of the district and protection of school records, information is requested each school year. Participation in the directory is optional and is password protected. While teachers may provide a list of student names, participating in the directory eases communication between fellow parents for class work, birthday invitations or car pooling. In accordance with the district’s reduced paper policy, a link to the protected directory is emailed, and only to those who participate. To have your information included in the directory, continue to the link below. Information should be entered/completed by a parent or guardian. Please make sure to submit information for EACH child. The registration link will be open until Friday, September 29th. Once the link is closed, we can no longer add anyone.

STAYING CONNECTED: Please "like" us on our Facebook group, Reidenbaugh PTO, where we share timely updates and reminders and often photos of our activities. If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.We can also always be reached via email at

LUNCH MENUS: Did you know that you can sign up to have the lunch menus emailed to you each month? Check that out here:

Please click here for the September lunch menu.

Click here for the October menu.

If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer


9/28: Bingo Night 2 sessions 6pm & 7pm

10/3: PTO Meeting 9:30am

10/5: Early Dismissal at 1:40pm

10/6 & 10/9: No School

10/21: Fall Fest & 5K

10/26: Picture retake Day


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