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Week 17

Hello Hopper Families!

Looking ahead at RES...…

Have a great holiday everyone and hope your kids enjoy the time off! There is an early dismissal on Friday, December 20th at 1:40 and school is back in session on Thursday, January 2nd!

BINGO NIGHT: Please note there was a date typo on the flyer. This will be held on Thursday, January 23rd, from 6:00-7:30. Pease hand in your forms as admission will not be available at the door. If you can help or have any questions, please contact Heatherann Paul at 717-725-7508.

PTO Meeting: Our next one will be held on Tuesday, February 4th, 7:00p.m. at RES. They do not last more then one hour. Please come, we love seeing new faces!

If you are having any problems accessing any of the links, please try from a desktop computer, or please email and I can send them over to you.

If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.

Did you know that you can sign up to have the lunch menus emailed to you each month? Check that out here:

Please click here for the December lunch menu.

Don't forget to "like" our Facebook page Reidenbaugh PTO, and check out our website, We can also be reached via email at


12/20: Early Dismissal @ 1:40p.m.

12/23-1/1: No School - Winter Break

1/20: No School

1/22: 1st Grade Books for Breakfast

1/23: Bingo

1/29: Early Dismissal at 1:40


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