First Day of School
Hello Hopper Families!
Make sure to put your kids to bed nice and early this evening because the first day of school is here!!!!!!!!!!! We will see all your smiling faces Monday, August 26th! Doors open at 8:45 a.m.. Anyone arriving after doors close at 9a.m. must report to the office to sign in. The Kindergartners will have an open house, where they should come with their parents to meet their teachers. The first day of school for kindergarten is Tuesday, August 27th. We ask that you please be patient with the bus transportation the first few weeks of school. There could be delays as drivers learn their routes.
SUMMER BINGO: This was sent home in Report Card Envelopes. To participate in the Summer BINGO Challenge, just color in the activities that you complete. Then, count up how many you do in each row and total at the bottom. If you complete at least 25/50 activities, you will earn a special treat in next month. Forms are due to your teacher by Wednesday,September 4.
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT: This will be held on Wednesday, September 4th. You will get the opportunity to sit in your child's classroom and listen to their teacher talk about the upcoming school year. There is also a information session in the gym. More info to follow!
SCHOOL PLAY: This year's play will be Sussical Jr.!!! Keep an eye on your child's folders, as more info will follow!
CUB SCOUT RECRUITMENT NIGHT: Pack 93 will be hosting its annual Scout Recruitment Night on August 28th, from 7:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. at Reidenbaugh cafeteria. Boys in grades K-5 who are interested in learning about scouting are invited to attend with an adult. Older scouts will be leading fun activities for the prospective scouts while pack leaders share info and answer questions with the adults. Please contact Becky Doumaux at with any questions.
COLOR DASH: Save the date! This will be held on Friday, October 4th, 5:00pm-7:00pm. This will be our main fundraiser for the next two years, held in place of the Race for Education. More information will be coming soon!
If you have moved to another school district or if you child is not going to Reidenbaugh any longer, just send us an email with unsubscribe on the subject line.
As of yet, the lunch menus have not posted to Please keep checking back for updates.
08/30 - No School
09/02 - Labor Day, No School
09/04 - Back to School Night
10/4- Color Dash