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Let's get warm with Winter Bingo!

Dear Hopper Families,

Brrrrr!! So cold!! Don't worry, it will warm up tomorrow as we resume our normal school hours. Although it will be warmer than today, it will still be cold, so please dress your students accordingly. Which reminds me of something else, have your kiddos take a look at the lost and found while at school. We have some winter apparel that didn't make it back to their homes.

We had a great last week with the family members coming to have lunch with their little ones. Due to the 2 hours delay on Friday, Kindergarten class didn't have their Family lunch last week. Please note, Kindergarten Family Lunch will be this Friday, January 25, at 11:00am. This week will still be exciting for every grade because Winter Bingo is this Thursday! Yeah!! Come play some bingo with us! As always, thanks for all your volunteering, we can't do what we do without you parents stepping up to give us a hand.

Here are all the other news we have to share with you. From Mini-THON to Art Night, we have something new, fun and interesting for our students, staff, family and friends. Read on!

MINI-THON: Thank you to our current Reidenbaugh mini-THON sponsors!!

$100.00 level: Georgelis Orthodontics (

Jerry & Deborah Keys

$200.00 level: Troy & Kathryn Clair

Verdant Health (

We invite other families and businesses to join in our partnership with Four Diamonds Fund to raise money for cancer research and to help families facing this disease. Your online contribution can be made easily by clicking on this link:

If you prefer, you can send a check to school made payable to: Four Diamonds. On the envelope, please note that it should go to Mrs. Keys. Mark your calendars for the Reidenbaugh mini-THON celebration party on April 5!

WINTER BINGO: This Thursday, January 24 we will have our Bingo Night at the Reidenbaugh Gym from 6:00 to 7:00pm. . Have you filled out and returned the form? What are you waiting for? It will be a fantastic night! Return the form with the payment in an envelope written "Family Bingo Night" and your name will then be added to the list at the door. Please note, admission will not be available at the door. Questions? Please call Heatherann Paul at 717-725-7508.

SPROUTING LEARNERS: Please pass along the information on this program called Sprouting Learners for all children, ages 3 to 5, and their families. First workshop is this week, January 24. This initiative has the purpose of providing helpful tips for early childhood education in a playful environment to support family participation and student success. Click here for the flyer with more information. Dinner will be provided and free learning materials and book will be available. January 24, March 21 and May 23 from 5:00 to 6:00pm at Bucher Elementary School. Please contact Mrs. Sypien at 717-291-1733 to RSVP.

GIRLS ON THE RUN: The Girls on the Run Program is prepping for the Spring 2019 Season. Online lottery registration is open from Jan 30 to Feb 7. Practices will be held after school Mondays and Thursdays starting March 4. If you are interested in signing up, please click here for the attached flyer for more information about the program, or contact Kelly Kline at

COCOA GRAM: What's better than hot cocoa to warm you up on a cold winter day?! This winder students will be able to send cocoa grams to their friends. What are cocoa grams? It's a pack of cocoa with a fun poem. From January 28 to January 31 students can buy their cocoa grams for only $1 each. The students need to write their friend's name and grade so it can be delivered later that week. Let's spread some cheer to friends at school!

ART & CULTURE NIGHT: This year we are doing something new for the Art Show in March. We want to celebrate and learn about the various countries we have represented here at Reidenbaugh with our first Art and Culture Night! If you are interested in showcasing your country or just helping with the Culture event, please contact Ada Emuwa at or 617-869-9136. Take a look at this flyer and let's think of how you can represent your country in this fun cultural night.



01/31 - Early dismissal

02/05 - PTO Meeting

02/14 - Early dismissal

02/15 - No School

02/18 - No School (Snow make up day)

02/22 - Kids for Thon

From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.

Students arriving after the 9:00AM bell must come to the school accompanied by a parent or guardian. The student must be signed in at the front office by the parent or guardian.

Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.

An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence.

If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at


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