Happy New Year!
Happy 2019 to all Reidenbaugh Families,
As another year ends and a new one starts, it's time to look back at all the experiences we have added to our story this past year, all the changes we all have been through and count our blessings. Thank you to these wonderful, curious, talented kids that make Reidenbaugh shine. Thank you to all the teachers and staff who are always, always, there for us with open arms; who embrace our kiddos and ignite in them the passion of learning. Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, legal guardians and extend families who make sure the students are ready to learn in the morning and support their daily growth at the end of the day, who volunteer their time and money to help enrich our students, who have made and become friends in our community. All of you are part of our Reidenbaugh family. Thank you! Now, let's make 2019 our best year yet!
SCHOOL RESTARTS: Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 2, school resumes at its normal time. We hope you all enjoyed a break and some family time.
WINTER CLUBS: Keep your eyes open for news about our Winter Clubs. Information should be coming home this week.
PTO MEETING: Our next PTO Meeting will be on Tuesday, January 8, at 7:00pm in Room 104. Come check out what we have planned for our school in the new year. Perfect place and time to share opinions, ask questions and simply listen to what goes on in our PTO. If you want to be involved a little more, come talk to us. We will direct you to the best use of your time, according to your availability.
HOPPERVILLE BOOKSTORE: Our monthly Hopperville Bookstore is on Wednesday, January 9, from 8:00am to 8:45am in the cafeteria. Please make sure your children have checked in with their teachers before coming to the bookstore.
BOX TOPS: Did you know there is another way to earn Box Tops for Reidenbaugh? In addition to clipping Box Tops from various products, there is a Box Tops app that you can use to scan your purchases and collect even more Box Tops for our school. Below is the link for more information and to install on your smartphone:
If you install and use this app, you can send me an email with the number of Box Tops earned through the app at cmathers@comcast.net and I will make sure your child’s teacher gets credit for those Box Tops as well.
01/07 - Winter Clubs start
01/14-18 - Family Lunch Week
01/21 - No School
01/24 - Winter Bingo
01/31 - Early dismissal
From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.
Students arriving after the 9:00AM bell must come to the school accompanied by a parent or guardian. The student must be signed in at the front office by the parent or guardian.
Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.
An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence.
If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at reidpto@gmail.com.