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"Thank yous" and more!

Hello Hopper Families!!

This is the week before our Thanksgiving break and there's so much I want to share with you! First of all, thank you all who took some time off your busy day last Tuesday and made your voice heard by voting. Thank you to all the food drive contribution! In the name of the Families who will be gifted a Thanksgiving basket, we thank you all for your part in this gift!! Also, thank you to those who who came to the PTO Meeting. If you didn't make it this time, don't worry, our next PTO meeting (in December) will be in the morning. The numbers are in for our last Box Tops collection and the winners are... drum roll please...

For Kindergarten: Mrs.Kurtz

For 1st Grade: Mrs. Huntzinger

For 2nd Grade:Mrs. Diemler

For 3rd Grade: Mrs. Wingert

For 4th Grade: Ms. Eyster

Overall: Ms. Eyster

Family Fun Night was exactly that: FUN!! We had 186 people!! Thank you Roseanne Myers for organizing this wonderful event for us!! The directory went home last week to all the families who registered. We are working on putting the directory on the website for those registered family to have easy online access.

Firefighters are coming next week to talk to our kiddos! They come all dressed up, talk about equipment, safety & prevention, and let the kids explore the firetruck! Ask your child about it!


CAITLIN SMILES: Keep on sending in your playdoughs! Caitlin Smiles give out a goodie bags to children when they are admitted to a hospital. Playdough is put in every bag they distribute.

We, as a school, will help them reach their goal of 30,000 containers of playdough this year!! Please have your child drop it off in their classroom by November 14. Thank you for helping us help them!!

POINSETTIA SALE: Reidenbaugh PTO is helping you get ready for the holidays with beautiful Red, White or Burgundy poinsettias! Decorate your home, or office or give it as a gift to a friend, a nursing home or a neighbor. Orders are due by Tuesday, November 14. Just place the order form and money or check (made out to Reidenbaugh Elementary PTO) in an envelope marked "Poinsettia Sale" and send it in with your child. Pick up will the on Wednesday, December 6. For any questions, please contact Amy Del Castillo at

HOLIDAY SHOP: This is a great opportunity for kids to do their own holiday shopping for family members and friends, while learning about money. The price of the gifts range from $0.25 to $10.00. The Holiday Shop preview will be on Wednesday, November 15. Students will be allowed to shop at specific times selected by their teacher on Thursday, November 16 and Friday, November 17, as well as in the mornings from 8:45 to 9:00am. We are still looking for volunteers for a few shopping hours. Click here for the sign up. Any questions? Contact Amy Barrall at or Missy Oswald at

EXTRAORDINARY GIVE: The Extraordinary Give is a 24 hour period of time where all donations made online to Lancaster Community Foundation and directed to one of the participating organizations (IE the Manheim Township Educational Foundation) are partially matched by the Foundation. That means donations to the MTEF go farther when made on this day. This year Extraordinary Give is on Friday, November 17. For the past 22 years, MTEF has given out close to $1,000,000 to fund over 480 grant programs in all of Township’s schools. Just in the Spring of 2017, 13 grants were awarded. For example, Apple TV have been provided to all classrooms! It's used to promote the 21st century skills of communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking in classrooms across the district.

PoW (PARENTS ON WELLNESS): Do you have a special interest in promoting school wellness? Would you like to evaluate the food choices offered at our school cafeteria? Are you interested in discussing health-promoting foods that could be added to our current menu? Do you know there are healthful choices that are delicious, cost effective, and remain within the nutritional guidelines that could be added to our menu? If you have an opinion and would like to promote nutritional health in our school, we want to connect with you! Please contact Chris and Cassandra Wenger at



11/20-21 No school - Parent Teacher Conferences

11/22-24 No school - Thanksgiving Break

12/06 - Holiday Teacher Luncheon

12/07 - Barnes & Noble Family Night

From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.

Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.

An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence

If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at


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