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Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween RES!

Oh, my! What a great evening we all had at Fall Social last Friday!! Danielle Vitti, you did a wonderful job. Thank you!! We had the greatest kids and most adorable costumes! Thank you to all the families who came. We hope you got to meet other parents, enjoy subs, pizza, cotton candy and cupcakes. The kids certainly did!

Red Ribbon Week was a success and Reidenbaugh appreciates the support the parents gave at home, talking to the children about saying NO to drugs. This is what we call team work!

RACE FOR EDUCATION: This is it!! By now you have had a taste of what our PTO does for the school and the kids. If you didn't have a chance to sponsor your student, stop what you are doing and donate now. This tax deductible contribution is for the next two school years! The website will be open until Tuesday, October 31.

SPIRITWEAR: If you would like to order a Manheim Township Mesh Pocket Drawstring Bag, orders are due Wednesday, November 1st. There was a typo on the the flyer that went home. Also, if you previously ordered a bag and would like to add personalization you can do that on the flyer that went home as well for an additional $5. Any questions contact Kim Topf at

FOOD DRIVE: Every year we come together for our Annual Food Drive. Each classroom puts together a basket, which are then given to Reidenbaugh families in need over the Thanksgiving holiday. You should have received a flyer stating your classroom contribution. In addition to food, Giant gift cards and cash are needed to buy a frozen turkey for each family and any remaining food. Please send the item(s) into class during the week of November 6-10. Many thanks!!

CAITLIN SMILES: Have A few years ago Mrs. Deimler brought Caitlin Smiles organization to our knowledge. Today, we are continuing to support this wonderful program, which helps children with chronic and life-threatening illnesses. Caitlin Smiles give out a goodie bags to children when they are admitted to a hospital. Playdough is put in every bag they distribute. Their goal this year is to collect 30,000 containers of playdough. We, as a school, want to help!! Please consider purchasing new containers of playdough and have your child drop it off in their classroom by November 14. Thank you for helping us help them!!




11/07 PTO Meeting

11/08 Early Dismissal

11/10 Kids for a Cause

11/15 Holiday Shop - Preview Day

11/16-17 Holiday Shop - Shopping Day

From the office: If your student is a car rider for the day, please send in a note. No changes may be made to a student's transportation after 3:00pm.

Please send in an excuse note the date your student returns from an absence.

An educational trip request form must be received in the office 1 (one) week prior to the absence or it will not be approved. All school work missed during the trip will be provided after the absence

If you have any questions, or if your child is not at Reidenbaugh anymore, please contact us at


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